Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Card Imperfections

Christmas time is here!

Unlike last year, I got my christmas cards ordered without any oops... But, I can't say they came without a "mishaps". When I recieved my cards in the mail, it seemed like an awful lot! I only order about 50 every year, and with such a large family on both sides -- those 50 go fast! As I began to address and stuff the envelopes I noticed a big oops.... On their part--Not mine this year! Halfway through my pile, sat 50 additional cards for another family. I was a little jealous of this perticular family. Perfectly matching (ha! Oh, well my family is like that too) a mom with her two little boys sitting nicely on her lap, no stains on the shirts, and beautiful smiles on both kids faces. Her husband (I presume) sat behind them with a matching smile. All 4 faces looking straight at the camera, and all seemed to be in great spirits! Wow-- that mother deserves a "peace prize". She nailed it! Now, let me fill everyone in on how a "normal family" gets a photo for the wonderful christmas cards.  (I like to try to convince myself we have a normal family; although many would disagree) 

Here I sat-- trying to get that one photo of my boys, both happy-- smiling, playing nicely. FAILED attempt #1 ended with one in time out, and the other crying on my shoulder... Turns out it's hard to get a good picture when toys are being thrown from one side of the room to the other. End result: ball to the head. My second failed attempt came when I thought they might nicely put a puzzle together- the happiness ended quickly when the puzzle only contained one cow piece. What were these people thinking?! Doesn't everyone have to have two of the same thing? So, my final attempt came when we had snow on the ground! I bundled up the boys and headed outside. Much to my disbelief, Logan hates being cold, and hates snow even more. He wouldn't even walk in the stuff! As we headed inside, my christmas photo hero appeared in the driveway! Dashing through the snow, that wonderful husband of mine went to the garage and got out the sled! He managed to get the boys on it, and sent them down the hill a few times. We may have had a few dried on tears, but smiles non-the-less! I grabbed my camera and managed to finally get that one photo I needed! 5 minutes with Dad home is all it took. 

This years Christmas card is compliments of one heck of a dad! Because without him, you all might have gotten a card adorned with a couple boys that may or may not have had diapers on, may or may not have been crying... And most likely wasn't that "picture-perfect" family. Ha! Who am I kidding-- having two healthy boys, a warm home, clothes on our back, and food in our belly... That's about as perfect as it can get!

From our family to you...
Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays and the Merriest Christmas ever!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Nothing could prepare me for this...

There really is nothing in this world that could have ever prepared me for raising boys, let alone raising two boys. So it begins...

Let me just first start by giving a bit of a background of my upbringings. I come #4 in the lineup. I like to tell myself it's because they were waiting for the perfect child, but let's be honest-- my dad wanted a boy. Yep, I've got 3 older sisters. 5 women in one household, one household which at the time had one bathroom. It wasn't until we all were moved out that they added a second, but that's beside the point! Not only was I #4 in the family, I came in wayyyy down the list of females on my mom's side of the family. To be honest, I didn't think it was even in my cards to have a boy! 

Boy was I wrong! Anyhow--- back to not being prepared to have boys.... I've compiled a list of a few happenings that has made me shake my head, laugh my butt off, and ask my husband questions I never imagined would come out of my mouth.

--- When we first had the boys, no one ever told me there was a "science" to putting a diaper on a boy. Did you know, if "it's" not pointed in the right direction-- you'll spend your day changing clothes because somehow your baby has managed to pee up his back?! After my loving husband clued me in, I realized--- I need a manual for this!

That one extra body part causes me much stress!

-- as toddlers: no one can ever be prepared for toddlers! When the boys put away their toys, they get a sticker. When they go in the potty, they get a sticker. BUT when the sticker goes on "the extra part" that sticker suddenly became one of my little man's arch enemies. No one ever gave me the heads up on that one! What do you do?! Well, luckily we were close to some warm water, and that sticker came off quick! 

Why couldn't their dad have been the one to handle that? Why's it gotta be mom?! *i'm so not prepared*

Our last "issue" came tonight:

----- the boys were taking a bath, and next thing I know.... Their standing up peeing on each other, laughing! Oh Lordy, really? Growing up with sisters I never recall being peed on, let alone laughing about it! Then, it gets worst/better... They get out of the tub, and sit on their potty chairs-- Baby A was trying so hard to earn a sticker, he tooted.... Followed by some seriously hilarious giggles from not only him, but his brother. Then, it happens again. And again..... At this point, like many-- you can find me shaking my head and laughing in disbelief. 

They're only 2 years old! How can I possibly deal with teenage years if I'm in over my head now? Just laugh. That's all you can do... I'm raising boys, it sure ain't for the weak. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Wow! Summer adventures

It's been awhile! We've been having such a fun summer that the hours seem to slip right away. The boys have really begun to develop personalities and are becoming more "little boy" every day! The days of two babies are gone and now we have officially entered "toddler twos". I refuse to call it the "terrible twos" because "two-terrible twos" sounds horrifying! Our summer consisted of lots of county fairs, the state fair, a trip to colorado, the lake, and many zoo visits! As my husband likes to tell people: I'm a stay at home mom who doesn't stay home. BUT in my defense-- I only have a few years with them before the harsh schedules of school begins. So, we're going to have fun while we can! 

Our trip to colorado was an adventure in itself, and I'll write a blog once I'm able to comprehend exactly how we survived :) 

The state fair is a must every year. We of course spent Wednesday at the beef show supporting some great area youth. I couldn't think of a better group of 'kids' for the boys to be around. They helped to transform their cattle chutes into a nice playground area for the boys... And many tractors and cattle were played with. It's amazing how fitting mats can we propped up to make baby fencing. The boys were fed lots of 'crap' and too much lemonade... But, as always-- they loved playing with "the big kids". We've decided on a few new animals that we need for the farm... This list consists of but is not limited to: a miniature Hereford, a fainting goat, some ducks, baby chicks, and lastly a miniature horse. We have a lot of convincing to do still, but I have full confidence dad will cave. 

On the first day of the fair we loaded the boys up bright and early and headed for the multiples contest. My mom and a good family friend came along for the show, and the boys got 3rd place for most alike under 2. I've never been more appreciative of Logan's chubby cheeks..... I'm not sure how some of those moms do it. You may think the boys look the same, but compared to some of those twins-- my boys are exact opposite!

Speaking of opposites...

Landon has become VERY vocal this summer. Most notably he can we heard yelling "I'M STUCK"... It was super cute at first, but now that I get to hear it every time he's in his car seat... I'm rethinking the "cute" factor. 

Logan is still our quiet one... Until just the past few days, he kept to himself vocally. He has a sneaky way of getting his point across without words. His most noticed vocabulary comes in the form of tractor sounds... He's a farm kid, thru and thru. However, he doesn't seem to have a problem yelling "MOM" or "dad" when he needs something. 

We don't walk anymore... It's a quick run. We've become experts at "moo-Ing" at the cows, and are officially farm management... Requiring rides around the farm on the ranger. 

Life is still an adventure, and is non-stop running everyday. Every minute of our day revolves around the boys... And we wouldn't want it any other way. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pick and choose your battles...

First off, I need to apologize to a few very loyal followers... our summer's are very busy and I am sorry I haven't given you a good laugh for a very long time!

Here's today's adventures!

I was folding laundry tonight with toddlers, which is never a good idea. I took the boys to bed, and realized at some point when I was putting pajamas on the monsters my phone seemed to have been misplaced. Completely lost. After a friend called me to help find it, I see it had been placed in the only laundry basket that still had clothes in it. I'll give the little man whom did that one credit, because not only was it hid, he hid it between clothes.... boys -1 mom -0 well played little monster -- another battle I'm not willing to fight.

They really have become ornery little guys. I knew the day would come, I guess I hoped it wouldn't be so soon. I'm not prepared. We went on a little roadtrip excursion today for haircuts... and to make a stop that I promise was on the way. It was just the boys and I, and somehow we stumbled upon a discount boots store in the city. Darn, I hate when you drive by a place that is just to good to be true. So, as a good farm-wife-mom would do, I stopped. Out comes my double stroller, and into cowboy boots heaven we went. Just looking around, we found two pair of cowboy boots, size 7toddler, that were the same! It's like they were put there for me to buy. BUT, that was after the boys managed to slip out of the stroller, and clear the shelves of boots. Adults boots. Oops. Highlight was when Landon found a mirror and proceeded to see what he looked like in a "big man" boot. Bless the man that was working... he just sat Logan down and put on a pair of boots in his size. It was love at first sight, and honestly... I'm not sure we will ever have a need for "tennies" again. So, if you see my boys running around with shorts and boots, just know that's a battle I choose not to fight.

See with twins, that's really how it goes. I'm sure with kids in general.... you pick and choose your battles. Laundry and cowboy boots... those are two battles I just don't have the energy for... at least not today.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


It is amazing to me just how many people ask me questions already regarding the boys' education in the future. Lots of questions! Questions like: where will they go to school.... Will they be in the same room or will you seperate them... They aren't even 2 yet and I feel as though I should already be thinking about these questions in perticular. Part of me gets kind of upset--- at what point do we as parents need to step back and allow our kids to be kids? 3 year old preschools, full day option at the age of 4... Developmentally are they ready? Do they need the 2 years at preschool? That's an awful lot of pressure on parents, I can't imagine how my 3 year old will feel. I'm not saying there is a right and a wrong way-- but what happens if being the mother of twins I have one that needs the 2 years of preschool and one that is more than prepared for the challenges of kindergarten...

And why am I being pressured by so many to think of all this before the boys even turn 2... Here's why:

Education is important. I've worked in the school system, I've seen the result of "uninvolved" parents. I've seen the struggle of kids trying to keep their heads afloat... How can a child possibly be expected to succeed if they have never had a parent care enough to sit down and read a story with them? If a child can't read, everything else will be a struggle. That's a fact. But---Maybe I see things from a different perspective...

I've been told time and time again how important it is to read to your kids at a young age. The love of reading I hope to instill in my kids early. So, they have a lot of books-- I usually only make it through a few pages before they're off to something else... But, they love looking at books. Tonight at bedtime I read a book Landon chose and then one Logan chose. After Logan's was done I handed it back to him, he walked away then came back and said "read again" *clear as day!* I'm not a great reader, never have I been one--- but it just stands as a reminder that my boys don't care. They don't care! The important thing is that I take the time every night to sit down and read them a book. 

Education is sooo important. But, I've decided that for today, tomorrow, and forever: I will do my absolute best to do what I feel is best for them. Day by day. They grow fast enough without the pressures from everyone around us... When the day comes, we will do what's in the best interest of the boys. And guess what, the greatest part about it is: I'm not really sure there is a right or wrong answer. Small school, large school. Same class, different class... Time will tell, but for right now-- I'm gonna let my boys be little boys. We're gonna play in the dirt, we're gonna get in trouble, we're gonna spend time in timeout... But one thing is for sure, we will read books. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

4-wheeled problem

Ive said it before... I'll say it again...

What was I thinking?! I'm not sure what part of me thought buying two little boys 4-wheelers was a good idea--- I'm really beginning to question my intelligence... 

As you may have already guessed--- the saga of the 4-wheelers continue. They've done some naughty, crazy things with those little battery operated Kawasakis, but this latest stunt takes the cake! I'm still in shock about it. Complete and total shock. This recent "mishaps" involved my baby b--- "not afraid of nothin', I'll do anything once, stop me if you can Baby B." I was sitting in the living room when from the dining room comes Logan, riding side saddle on his "red power wheel". Not really paying any attention, he keeps driving across the living room... Next thing I know, he hits the side table, slides backwards down to the bottom of the 4-wheeler seat--- and pops a wheely! He proceeds to push the button to make the back tires continue to spin and next thing I see--- he managed to park that Kawasakis front tires on my glass top end table! How he did it---- I'm hoping was just pure luck. Next thing I see, that blonde headed little dare devil turns around and with the biggest grin on his face--- he laughs his little butt off!

If this is a sign of things to come-- I'd say it's a good thing we have insurance on the kid! *although we may need to look into a lower deductible* 

Raising boys. It's a tough job---
I find myself saying time and time again, "boys, how many times do I have to tell you-- don't use your 4-wheelers for bad things!"

What a stupid thing to say--- what exactly did I think toddlers would do with them?! Here he is, after he got bucked off... 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


It's been a long time since my last blog, but life as I expected just doesn't seem to be slowing down any. Spring has sprung, and we've been busy busy! I took the boys for an appointment yesterday in the city, and got a nice little pat on the back from a doctor. He was looking at the boys' throats and commented on how great their teeth look. "Someone must be brushing them"... ***Exact quote***

Why yes, I do brush their teeth! To be honest, the boys are seriously in love with brushing their teeth! I started doing it not to terribly long ago-- remember we didn't have any teeth until after 12 months. So every night before bedtime, I get out the tooth brushes... one blue, one green. (Green is Logan's because he has a "g" in his name) A small amount of deliciously flavored Thomas the train toothepaste goes on each. The rule is-- I brush them for a few and then they get free rein of the brush for a few minutes. Absolutely the happiest kids in the world this time of night. Recently I just bought new toothbrushes, and they light up! I do believe our once love has become an obsession! 

The reason I wrote this today is because someday when they don't want to brush their teeth-- I'm going to show them this. Also, when they get older and land their modeling contracts---(with their perfect teeth) let this blog be proof-- MOM made those pearly whites :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Today I was rummaging through a few boxes and found some of the items from my baby shower. I wanted to share with everyone some advice I was given by some of the best moms I know. Each and every one of them are unbelievably strong, loving mothers-- that I truly look up to. Here goes:

--- breathe! There will be stressful times, but breathe and know "this too shall pass"! Enjoy & love them!
- Wow, if this one isn't so true! I don't know how many times I just stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. All those sleepless nights, seemed so long at the time, but looking back, they went fast!

--- relax!! 
- exactly! Nothing gets a baby more worked up than a worked up mom. As my husband always says, an animal can tell when you are nervous. I'd say the same is true for babies. Relax and everything goes so much smoother. 

--- always, always, always remember the love that created your precious gifts. Sing to your babies, hug them tightly, and never have a day go by when you don't tell them I love you.

- how true this is! I'm that crazy mom, and to be honest-- dad is the crazy dad-- that sings to our kids. My songs of course are a bit more appropriate lullabies, but none the less 100% off key and wonderful! My boys hug, they even give kisses--- to anyone with open arms! One thing's for sure, our kids know they are loved. They hear it more than enough that someday they will be annoyed by it, just how I want it!

---Laugh! When the babies are crying and you're tired and stressed find something to laugh about. Parenting is hard and you have to remember it's fun.
- So many times during this "ride" of being parents of twins all we could do was laugh. Some of the things that happen to us are completely out of this world. The explosive diaper at the doctors office, totally embarrassing -- but a complete comic event! (just like when we found out we were having two -- all we could do was laugh)

---Take time for your family, and don't worry about cleaning. They grow too fast.
- The first few months especially, my house was clean thanks to my husband, my mother in law & mother. I had nothing to do with it! I was busy with my babies, and to this day -- if the dishes are in the sink, and its a nice day out... the dishes don't get done. It's our house and we have priorities, our family.

And finally, the best advice I think... comes from my own mom...
--- Patience... not only for the boys, but for yourself. Remember to always love & cherish the family you have.
- Patience has kept me alive these past 20 months. Although, being patient to myself has been a tough one. Without our family I'm not sure how we would have made it. My sisters always a phone call away for advice, and to be reminded to breath... my mom and mother in law stepping up to help in any and everyway they could... my sister in law for doing some VERY long nights with Dad while I was sick... and especially my husband, for being the rock of our family.

I heard lots of advice throughout my pregnancy, but really -- it was trial and error with twins. I had to do what worked for us. Must be doing something right, we've all managed to survive 20 months and counting!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Springtime! Routine Change.

It's officially Springtime! The planter is in the field which means our schedule gets rocked a little bit.

The boys and I usually take lunch to the field every day to feed their dad. I've got it down to a science really--- I've done this since they were itty bitty babies! During harvest and planting lunch gets started at 10:45--- so that by 11:15 the boys are eating, while I pack up Dad's portions to take to the field. By the time I'm done with that, I clean up the boys and we head to the car! We arrive at the field usually around 12:00 sharp! (however, I do have a 10 minute leeway--- I tell myself that's 5 minutes per kid) 

Depending on the day, dad will either stop and sit in the car to have lunch with us or he'll grab it and keep on keeping on! By the time we are back from the field, it's diaper changes and nap time! 

It's all about a system. Some people think I'm crazy--- but, it works for us and I know that dad gets a good meal, just in case he doesn't make it in early for supper. The boys still see dad everyday. I make breakfast every morning! Scrambled eggs and ham, that's dad and the boys time!

So, tonight here I sit. Outside on my deck, in my big comfy chair he got me last week. (Spoiled-- I know! But, it reminds me that I'm appreciated) I got the boys in bed, my workout in, and now for the first time all day: some quiet time. Just me, my chair, and the sound of the planter just down the road. Nothing beats this time of year, and nothing like living on the farm! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Just hold a baby!

In just a few weeks some friends will be welcoming a set of twins into their lives, and I have been asked lots of questions! 

Sometimes the simplest tasks are the hardest when you have twins in the home. I honestly don't remember showering those first few months--- I know I had to of, but not sure when or how I fit that in! The most important thing I tell families expecting twins is take the help! When someone offers to come help with the babies, take them up on it! 

I'll never forget one perticular Saturday morning shortly after the boys were born. The boys and I were on our own that morning after dad left to do chores, and grandma hadn't arrived yet...It was a tough morning--- both boys wanted held, and on that day, neither boy wanted to be held with each other. My emotions were sky high (just imagine all those hormones I had for 38 weeks and then boom, I had nothing) I was on the verge of tears when I heard a voice yell from downstairs. Our neighbor stopped by to see the boys, and I heard the greatest words I could have heard at that moment--- "can I help hold a baby". YES! Yes! Yes! As a mother of two the best thing anyone could do for me was to just hold one. She to this day probably doesn't realize how much I needed her that morning, and how just "holding a baby" helped ease my worries.  

So, my plea to everyone who knows someone expecting multiples is this -- please, if you say during the pregnancy you will come help, follow through. It's so very important to have a strong support team during those first few months. Pick up the phone and call to see if you can come hold a baby for them. In my case some adult conversation is all I needed. 

You never know when you'll show up right when you're needed--- and to my neighbor, thanks for coming to "just hold a baby"!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The newest mishap...

The greatest privledge of being a stay at home mom with twins is seeing all the orneriness unfold right before your eyes. Now, I know those who know us personally could never imagine how two people such as ourselves could possibly create two little boys who would be anything but complete angels. I'm a bit baffled also! But--- it happened, and each and every day they do something else that makes me turn my head and laugh. Here's the best "mishap" from our day.

I was changing a diaper on brother A, when brother B seemed to have disappeared out of sight. From the dining room I hear a "woosh woosh" sound... I instantly knew what madness was unfolding while Logan was unattended. It wasn't the wipes container that I had anticipated but even better--- the Kleenex box! So, I shoved them all back in the box--- put them on the dining room table, and thought, oh well! Wasn't that bad. 

Fast forward a few hours---

I am now changing brother B's diaper and Landon was playing on the deck. (No worries it's gated in, and the patio door is open so they come and go as they please) After spending a lot of time this afternoon picking up the yard, I was a bit baffled when I saw white trash all over it. Upon further investigation I discovered those white pieces were in fact the same Kleenexs that I had placed on the table! I look to the dining room and sure enough I see a little red 4wheeler parked next to it... 

What a turd! If you need me, I'll be chasing little pieces of Kleenex around the yard! How many come in a box anyway?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Last weekend I had my usual adventure to get diapers, wipes, snacks, etc. At that magical "club" they have carts with two seats. I have mixed emotions about those carts. It's either thier way of saying "moms of multiples welcome" OR (and that's a big or) "put your two babies in here--- you're gonna need the room down below for the $150+ you're about to spend on 'items' you can only buy in mass quantities here".

We proceed to walk around the store, and as I'm standing in the diaper aisle... With two boxes already having found their spot in my cart--- I hear one of those unbearably horrible remarks from across the isle. "Oh twins! Two for the price of one, huh?!" 

Seriously! I have over 300 diapers in my cart that will last a month... Two little monsters strapped in the front chewing down on the cheese sticks I had to buy them to keep them entertained--- and am staring at the $20 box of baby wipes, trying to tell myself it's better than the alternative of a wet washcloth--- and all you can think to say is "two for the price of one!" 

The first and only time I would have rather heard "oh are they twins"...

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Energy.... I wish I had some!

I really wish I had the energy of these two! If you can imagine two of those jumping beans inside of a small box-- that's pretty much a good depiction of our house on any given day. It takes me 20 minutes to clean the living room. Usually picking up every single toy they have pulled out, and then finishing out by doing something I question every-single-time... Vacuuming. Why I take my time to do such a pointless task, I have yet to figure out! You see-- it takes approximately 30 seconds for Logan to come down the stairs and knock over all the blocks I stacked against the wall. In that same 30 second time span his brother has all the stuffed animals pulled back out of the big laundry basket... And my favorite--- it's snack time. This means my nice clean carpet is just moments away from cracker/cookie crumbs being embedded once again into it. 

The energy that can come from 50 pounds of toddlers is incredible! Climbing on top of all the furniture, spinning circles, chasing his brother across the dining room to tackle him... (Most of the time it's for the sippy cup he has in his hands) It is all on the everyday agenda for the boys. They take great naps, and sleep most nights--- but if you can imagine, they need every ounce of energy they've got to keep up with each other. What one doesn't think of, the other will! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Saving Money With Twins. Tips and Tricks!

I can't believe I am about to reveal my secrets here, but I've decided to write tonight about some massively good discounts and deals I have found since becoming a Mom. Who doesn't love a good deal, I mean I did get BOGO when having the boys, right? Wrong-o! Let me first tell everyone when you carry two babies at once, those doctor appointments and ultrasounds get charged PER FETUS! Anyhow, end rant... this is how I save money -- and get some great deals for the boys.

I entitled this blog "Saving Money With Twins" here goes!

Let's start off with the basics. We took a class before the boys were born, all about multiples. They gave us a list of costs of items broke down to the penny. Where we would find the cheapest diapers, wipes, and formula. This is what we have found---

Diapers. Huggies AND Pampers are cheapest at Sams Club. Buy them in bulk, you'll use them eventually. *fun fact, we went through 500 diapers/month the first few months with twins. Sams averages .30 cents a diaper. Not to bad. Side note: the off brands are cheaper elsewhere, unfortunately for us, the boys couldn't wear those. Sensitive skin was to blame for that. Recently I discovered that Amazon now offers AmazonMom. This program allows you to use coupons that are available instantly on baby items. They also are a few pennies cheaper than Sams Club! Free 2 Day Shipping is included.

Wipes. The same thing goes for baby wipes. Amazon is the cheapest, and they get delivered to my door! They also have a system where you can have a deliver pre-order. So, I could technically get them at an even cheaper price if I set for diapers and wipes to be delivered say once a month. Something for new moms to look into!

Formula. The boys were on two separate formulas. Once again Sams Club is the cheapest IF they carry the brand you need. Amazon is a good resource for the more expensive exclusive formulas. We were able to get $60 a can formula for about $33 a can online at Amazon! Also, ask your child's doctor. Most companies provide doctor offices with samples, so be sure to ask when you visit your child's doctor.

Clothing. Okay, this is where I've gotten very good! I have gotten tired of buying a certain brand of clothing that just instantly shrinks every single time I wash them... so, I bit the bullet and started getting more expensive brands. At least this way I know they won't shrink on me after a few washings. Here's my trick. If there is a certain brand you are looking for... say Columbia for instance -- I have always loved there coats... Go to the brands direct website. A lot of the big companies now offer a "outlet" or "final sale" tab on their websites. I got the boys Columbia hooded fleece jackets for spring AND for fall. Paying just $13 a jacket. Compared to about $40 and up originally -- I'd consider that a STEAL! So, check the direct company's website FIRST!
Secondly -- Online is your best friend! Once again I turn to amazon! On the left side of the screen you can choose "clothing" then choose the size and gender. If you continue to scroll down the page, they have a spot you can put in a price range you are wanting to spend. You'd be completely shocked to see how many hundreds of items pop up when you put in a price range of just $0-$10! Name brand clothing, nice stuff.
Thirdly -- Go shopping. A secret new spot I love to shop at is Burlington Coat Factory. They have lots and lots of nice NEW clothing for very reasonable prices. It does take some time to look through, but worth all the money you will save.
Lastly -- Set up an email address that you have coupons sent to. Sign up for coupons to all your favorite stores! If you have a smart phone, always look on your emails before check out. Most the time, I will end up with an extra percentage off. Also, if you go to a search engine such as google, and type in "coupons for Children's Place" any possible coupons available will pop up.

Okay, that's all I've got for now! Money Saving Tips that don't take much effort. Happy Shopping.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Mommy down..."

Short and sweet blog tonight.

The flu has hit.
Logan - check check check 
Landon - check
Mommy - check check
Daddy - check!
Jax (the dog) - check

Please pray for my household tonight! That's all I've got time for........

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I smile.

This weekend we took the boys to the beef expo junior show at the state fair grounds. Got them all bundled up, and put them in our marvelous stroller. While walking around, I got a lot of questions by people... Mostly the same old "oh are they twins..." But some encouraging, and some just wow-- you really just asked me that haha... One particular person asked me something I've been asked before, "how do you do it"... But for some reason this time it struck me a bit different. She went on to tell me that she really never felt she was 'cut out' to be a mom. 

Now, to me that seems a little hard to understand. I always knew I wanted to be a mom someday. I think everyone around me knew I'd be a mom someday. In that moment for some reason I didn't give my usual, oh it's a lot of fun response. I felt like she truly was asking me a question. "How do you do it?!" I didn't know exactly what I wanted to say but I've thought about it, and here's my thought:

 Everyone has a dream. For instance my husband has such a passion for our family, the land, and the cattle he feeds everyday. He wakes up every morning and it doesn't seem like he's even going to work. He is living his dream. I'd say in a sense, the same is true for me. I wake up every morning and love going in to see my 'bosses' all 22 pounds of them (Each that is) there they stand hooting and hollering at me, not at all upset-- and on real good days, they even jump up and down to see me. I'm not saying this has come without struggles. In fact, I can tell you I'd rather have a tooth pulled than do some of those long nights again... But all those little moments---Those smiles I see when they realize I'm standing at the door in the mornings, the snuggles on my lap as we read a book, or the scream of excitement when I let them play in the bath tub... Those little moments outweigh all the struggles in the world. How do I do it... most of all, I smile. 

That's it. That's how I do it!

I smile.

Because when I see them smile back, I won't ever forget that this was my dream. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Most eligible bachelors

My name's Landon. I'm an 18 month old looking for any woman that will give me lots of love. I live at home with my parents, and am a stay at home son. I enjoy long baths with bubbles, and giggle when mom washes my hair. My ideal date would be riding my 4-wheeler, with your assistance at turning me around when I run into the wall. After a few sippy cups of milk, I've got enough fuel for a whole night of fun. The animal that bests discribes me would be a lion. I'm fierce, handsome, and very courageous! Not to mention, my favorite stuffed animal is my lion. Ladies, I kiss on the first date, and am guaranteed to give you a few "surprises" throughout the night. 

Hi, I'm Logan. I'm also an 18 month old-- with a 2 year old attitude. My cribs a nice rich dark wood, and unlike my brothers--- has no teeth marks. I also enjoy baths, and especially love wearing nothing but my robe after. My ideal date is anywhere with my mom. Dad says I'm a momma's boy--- but heck, with a mom like her, you would be too! I enjoy dinner time, and you can win me over with putting steak or roast on my high chair tray. After supper, I'll let you read me stories non-stop... But you must be a fast reader because I'm in charge of turning the pages. If I were an animal... I'd be monkey. I can get into and on everything I want. I'm more into hugs, and also give surprises.

Our bedtime is at 8:00 sharp. You can't wake up and stay up all night if you don't go to bed early. We come as a packaged deal, that's right--- every holiday dream: buy 1 get 1 free. But, one thing's for sure... We are full of love!

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Twice the trouble!

Twice the trouble!

Who would have ever guessed 10 little toes could hurt so much?! The boys are into climbing onto any and everything they can... How you might ask? Well, those wonderful 4wheelers they got for Christmas turns out make the best "sidekicks". When it comes to getting into trouble, they both assist each other pretty well, but nothing compares to the support they get from their 4wheelers. They will drive those things over to any object they feel they need a closer look at. Then those 10 little toes find there way to objects such as: on top of the kitchen table, in front of the fish tank... (Terrorizing the poor fish on the other side of the glass) on top of the back of the couch, and the list goes on and on. However, my personal favorite is daddy! As soon as he comes in at night--- he becomes the boys' jungle gym. It's all fun and games until daddy takes a few little toes to ribs! (In the boys' defense--- I'm
Sure they do make a great step :)) If ever there were a time the boys will see daddy cry, it'll happen at this point. Somehow those 10 little toes sure can hurt!!!

They've also learned how to get behind the couch... It's a real fun place to hide/play, and it honestly doesn't hurt anything. The only problem is they have yet to figure out how to get out from behind there. I've got strong arms! Strong enough to lift two little boys over the back of the couch, and to the floor where they instantly go running & giggling. It's only about 5 minutes before they seem to forget about being stuck behind the couch, and what do ya know... I'm missing 2 little boys again! 

Another trademark of mom in them--- so darn proud! 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gibberish decoder needed!

I think it's fair to say I may have my hands full in the years to come. It's my own fault really... I answer "yep" & "okay" numerous times a day to the boys, and when I stop to think about it... That might not be a good thing. I've probably agreed to half the trouble they get into. I need a jibberish translator. Someone besides the twins. They sure do understand what they are saying, but Mom can only make out a few things. "Landon" & "Logy" are getting easy to decode... And "mom" and "dad" too--- but the only thing scarier than full sentences is when the boys come up to me and talk non-stop. Correction--- it's the scariest when Logan points his finger and gets louder and louder.... No idea buddy, but I answer with "okay"! Then they turn around and take off, sometimes giggling with each other. Whoops! Not sure what I agreed to but, how much trouble can they really get into?! 

The next think I know, they're on top of the table... Shredding the paper. Of course I can't compose myself long enough to tell them "no" so instead, I sit at the table and supervise, making sure it's not important stuff. Seeing those little smiles, and hearing those laughs--- that's all it takes, heart melted. They love newspapers, pretending to read them and shredding them! Oh well, in my book that's no big deal. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Whole Milk... Sweet and glorious whole milk!

It's just been one of those days... One of those days that being a stay at home mom is once again the greatest job in the world! As Dad left the house this morning I requested that he bring home some milk for the boys--- so I didn't have to "get them out in the rainy weather" aka mom doesn't want to go anywhere...

Both boys are on 100% whole milk now. (have been for awhile) Yippee! Sure beats the $60/can formula that seemed to be a treasure hunt to find! Good 'ole Whole Milk, found at all grocery stores--- Whole Milk. $3/gallon Whole Milk! And boy oh boy do they love it. It is not at all uncommon for the two of them to drink a gallon in a day. Logan usually brings me his sippy cup and throws it on my lap--- problem... He's all out! Landon on the other hand usually finds Logan's bottle first to check if he has any left. If it seems to be all gone, I'll hear "mommmamamamama"!  

I have suggested that we look into a family Milk Cow... However, I am sure we all know who would have to milk that cow. Let's be honest, I don't have a lot of free time to put milking a cow into my daily routine. Milk prices could go up to $20 a gallon and we'd still be saving a boatload of money compared to the liquid gold we used to buy!

Family Comes First

I was raised in a household that family means everything. Fortunately enough for me, my husband was also. Our family will always be our everything. As a little girl, it was a very rare occasion that we had a babysitter on the weekends--- in fact, if mom & dad ever went out with friends, they took us along. To me becoming a Mom changed my life, but that's how I was raised. To each their own, but becoming a Mom means you give up the way you once lived your life, to make sure you make their lives as great as possible.

My Saturday shopping trips with girlfriends turned into diaper runs at Sams Club, or Babies R Us for essentials for the boys -- with my mother in law. (the only one brave enough to go along) I no longer had the car we piled friends in the backseat to head to the Casino, or go to a concert -- my backseat is now occupied by an oversized diaper bag and two carseats. 

Going out for supper usually consists of either taking two adorable extra boys along, cutting up food in bite sized pieces, and ending up sharing my food because it tasted better to them than what was ordered. Staying out all night long doesn't even enter my mind. Hurrying through supper to make it home in time to get them in their own beds -- because they sleep so much better that way. Yep our weekends usually are spent riding 4-wheelers around the dining room, putting the boys to bed at 8:00, and watching a movie before we crash ourselves at 10:00. Once in awhile we find ourselves heading to the neighbors for a challenging night of Wii racing and homemade pizza, all while drinking a Pepsi to ensure I get my boys home safe... 

God gave me the greatest blessings on earth. A great husband, a wonderfully supportive family, and two healthy little boys. I no longer carry a fancy purse, usually I find myself asking "...can it hold diapers, wipes, AND sippy cups..." if it can't, it's just not going to work. My clothing selection now consists of shirts that can be thrown in the washer and dryer, and shoes that can chase after toddlers. 

The day I became a mom was the day I committed my life to them. I won't be the Mom they see having a glass of wine every night, and I'm sure someday I will most definetly not be the "cool mom". I believe in time outs. Groundings will occur, and they will be held accountable for their actions. 

They may not like me most days, but let me assure you someday they will think back to all those weekends spent with mom & dad doing things as a family. Memories that will forever be imbedded in their hearts. Just like I was brought up: if it's not in my family's best interest... It's not going to be done. 

FAMILY comes first!

An apple a day...

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! In our house, an apple a day -- keeps the boys entertained for hours!!! Pretty simple: 1) buy an apple 2) take sticker off apple 3) wash apple... 4) hand apple to kid. They take it from there.

These two love eating apples. Don't try to cut it up into pieces, Landon will just get mad at you -- it's best just to let the little turd have the whole darn thing! Today we ate an apple from 4:00 (after nap) until about 6:30. Walking around, playing -- apple in one hand. Swapping brother apples a few times, throwing that darn thing a few times across the room... Mom washes it off, and we're at it again! Skin and all, they don't care. Landon even gave his apple a little drive on his 4wheeler... it fit perfect in the cup holder.

The only problem with letting them have at it, they tend to think they can also eat other random whole foods. Just the other day, they got ahold of a potato... not as simple to eat as an apple. To be right honest about it, all we ended up with was potatoes all over the house! Oranges also have caused an issue. Landon thinks he can eat the peel and all... and he gets a bit upset with me when I peel it first...

So, if you have a 17 month old that you need to entertain for awhile -- give him an apple! After hours of eating on it, just think how much immunity he has built up.

We love raspberries too!

Baby Books...

Whoever invented baby books... You're on my "shit-list" today! 

I went to put a few important things in my hope chest for the boys today. I realized that I haven't done a great job at keeping up like the Mother of the Years would have. Who am I kidding-- the most information that is filled out happens to be what the nurses so nicely did for me in the hospital. 

It is a bit ridiculous that the creators of the baby book could seriously think a mother of one could keep up with when tooth #6 came in... Exact date. NOT to mention a mother who brought home two babies. So--- I've come to the conclusion that their needs to be a book made for mothers if multiples. Here's what it would consist of:

1) arrival time --- okay I can remember that, it's on the birth certificate!

2) weight and height! Got it...

3) fathers name and mothers name. 10-4 married him, I can tell you his name! Although, somedays remembering mine can be tricky.

4) first embarrassing blowout! Hey hey!! Now I can remember that for sure....

5) first night you were able to sleep ALL night long--- I'd never forget that, one of the best moments of my life haha Logan was 9 months old on the dot!

And that's it! That's it! Keep it simple people. Throw a photo in (one that someone else had taken of course), and wham bam, you got your memories. I don't remember the first year due to lack of sleep--- and let's be honest, if my boys want to know the exact date tooth #6 came in, well then I probably should've kept the first dirty diaper too. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Top 10 Reasons Why Having Twins Total ROCKS!

I'm the lucky one. If you think this is going to be some blog entry about how amazing my life is and how I am the luckiest person in the world... well -- you're probably right. Picture perfect isn't exactly how I would describe it, but let me give you the top reasons why having twins totally rocks!

#10 -- I realized how much time I wasted sleeping for more than 3 hours at a time. When the boys were younger, I was one of the first people to see all the day's breaking news... at 4am. I feel like I missed so many things sleeping from 10-6 everyday, like I did before I had the boys. Things like late night TV. Not many to choose from, and a lot of stations just plain go off air. BUT the ones that were on, well... they were "enlightening". At 2:00am, I found a show about aquariums that seemed to be the only show on that didn't have to do with some historical time period dating back to dinosaurs...

#9 -- I took advantage of shopping alone. I mean -- "Shopping has never been so much fun!" I love having to take my double stroller everywhere I go. I actually feel sorry for those moms who don't have a stroller to store all their purchases! How tired their arms must get from carrying all those bags. Not me! I have enough room under the seats-- on the left and the right, front and the back of my oversized "twin approved" diaper bag. Tons of room folks, tons of room!

#8 -- No one ever expects you to be on time! "Don't wait on them -- they've got twins, I can't imagine trying to get anywhere with two babies." Ahhh, that's right people, it takes so much to get two babies to go anywhere... (psh, got them fooled) I mean, it's not like my diaper bag isn't already packed... or that I usually have known for a few days in advance, BUT because I have twins -- that's the reason I'm always late! No one ever questions it. *wink*

#7 -- Laundry Fairy! As a little girl I'm sure I always dreamt about being a Laundry Lady. It's a dream come true! How many can say they can spend hours sorting tiny little socks that somehow have lost their matches. I'm also kind of a chemist... trying to figure out the perfect spot remover that is going to take out those "mystery stains" from not only one little tiny shirt, but two!

#6 -- My own personal food critics! Let me first say that my children will never call their Mom Rachel Ray, nor will I ever be referred to as Martha... but, how many people can say they have two unsuspecting mouths to try out new recipes on! If it's a fail, Logan usually hands his plate to Landon.... Landon usually throws his food on the floor. But bless their hearts, they don't ever do it while I'm watching!

#5 -- Diaper Duty! That's it, that might just be the greatest advantage of having twins! The first month the boys were alive, I got the privilege of changing 500 diapers. Jealous? I bet you are... I'm that mom that has two carts at Sams Club, one for diapers -- the other for food. If you've never cleared a shelf at the grocery store of size "2s" -- you've not lived. That's a rush!

#4 -- The backseat of my car is always free of "trash". We won't talk about the floor, but the seats, always! Impressive huh? Here's how it works. When Dad drives, there's no room for the car seat behind the driver's seat. So, a seat must go in the middle, and the other behind the passenger. ANNNNDDD, in order to get the little man that belongs in that particular seat strapped in, you can't have ANYTHING behind the drivers seat.

#3 -- Shoe Detective. I'm a professional detective when it comes to trying to find that missing shoe. Not only do I get to find 2 shoes that match for one, I get to find 2 more shoes that match for his brother! Under the table, behind the couch, or my personal favorite -- in the toy box. It doesn't end there though -- Some days I start the process from the beginning when I realize Logan has taken "lefty" off while I was looking for Landon's "righty".

#2 -- I'm one strong momma! I can carry two babies, ten bags of groceries, a gallon of milk, and a diaper bag in one shot! Heck no I'm not making another trip to the car. Let's remember there are two little monsters now inside that can climb the chairs, pull off everything from the table, and be standing in the middle of it -- all in the time it took me to run to the car to shut the back. Oh, did I mention while dumping out a full glass of water....

We get to buy TWO of EVERYTHING!!! When people told us "you don't need two of everything" THEY LIED! Two jackets, two of the same toy, two car seats, two cribs..... ahhhh, just dreaming about two cars at once, and even better --- two insurance premiums!

So, in short -- Yes, we have the perfect life. Our kids are healthy and happy -- that's  truly the greatest part of being parents of twins!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mom rules until Dad gets home...

Mom rules, until Dad gets home. All day long I'm "good enough" to play with and snuggle with and do diaper patrol... But let me tell you, when Dad gets home--- I'm old news! As soon as the back door opens, the boys drop what they're doing and run to the baby gate to see Dad. Jibber jabber non-stop and clear as day we hear "HI DAD" come from Logan. Every night! They then crawl up onto Daddy's lap and snuggle in and catch up on a little television. Really?! You've been running around like little monsters taking things away from each other, forcing mom to be "referee" all day long---  dad comes home and snap! Angels! 

After the usual Doc McStuffins episode is over, we usually play up and down with dad's legs and the recliner... This will last long enough for me to finish up some supper, and gives the boys time to work out a few "kinks" in their bodies. That's the next moment Mom is no longer "invisible"-- "oh mommy, come here Logan smells..." 

You would think I'd be losing some serious weight due to the lack of an appetite I get after that diaper change. We eat some supper, wash up, and once again--- move over Mom, it's Dad time! 

Dad does his typical work the boys up so that come 8:00, Mom can step in, be the bad guy again and put them to bed. 

It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it!

Then comes diaper changes...

First comes love...
Then comes diaper changes. I hate to tell ya, this is still a chore! When Landon wakes up in the morning, he is sooo excited to be up, the last thing he wants to do is wear a diaper. Sometimes I really question if it's worth the fight... What's the worst that's gonna happen?! He might pee on his brother--- *karma?* a little revenge from all those times he's had to have a second bath compliments of Logan. So, sorry back to the diaper-- I finally get him out of his pajamas, and out of the old diaper. At this point Logan needs some mom time and usually clobbers me to sit on my lap. And upppp up and away goes Landon. Congratulations son, you've escaped for now! So side track to Logan... Out of his pajamas, out of his diaper--- new one on, while he wiggles about. He hops up and as he's walking away I notice my skills on a moving target aren't the greatest... I should probably make sure his 'cheeks' get put away properly. So I run after him, resecure the diaper and get him in some clothes for the day. Meanwhile, Landon lays down next to him, and I proceed to get him dressed. Down the stairs we go to find some breakfast. After oatmeal and toast, the boys sit down on the floor to watch the usual: Mickey Mouse clubhouse. Pretty soon Landon comes over to snuggle with me, unusual for him at this point in the day--- I prop him up on my lap... oh gosh, his sippy must have popped open. He's awfully wet... I glance down at the floor and to my surprise, the lid is still properly tight on his cup. Anyhow, I've gotta get him into some dry clothes, maybe I didn't get his diaper on good--- wow. This might just be my best "ditzy mom" moment yet--- in total disbelief of myself, I realize that I forgot to ever put a diaper on the kid! Congratulations Mom!!! And as if my pride wasn't already hurt, the little turd is giggling--- and yep, you guessed it... Mom got new clothes on too (if you catch my drift) Well done Landon James! 

Landon - 1 
Mom - 0