Thursday, April 17, 2014

Just hold a baby!

In just a few weeks some friends will be welcoming a set of twins into their lives, and I have been asked lots of questions! 

Sometimes the simplest tasks are the hardest when you have twins in the home. I honestly don't remember showering those first few months--- I know I had to of, but not sure when or how I fit that in! The most important thing I tell families expecting twins is take the help! When someone offers to come help with the babies, take them up on it! 

I'll never forget one perticular Saturday morning shortly after the boys were born. The boys and I were on our own that morning after dad left to do chores, and grandma hadn't arrived yet...It was a tough morning--- both boys wanted held, and on that day, neither boy wanted to be held with each other. My emotions were sky high (just imagine all those hormones I had for 38 weeks and then boom, I had nothing) I was on the verge of tears when I heard a voice yell from downstairs. Our neighbor stopped by to see the boys, and I heard the greatest words I could have heard at that moment--- "can I help hold a baby". YES! Yes! Yes! As a mother of two the best thing anyone could do for me was to just hold one. She to this day probably doesn't realize how much I needed her that morning, and how just "holding a baby" helped ease my worries.  

So, my plea to everyone who knows someone expecting multiples is this -- please, if you say during the pregnancy you will come help, follow through. It's so very important to have a strong support team during those first few months. Pick up the phone and call to see if you can come hold a baby for them. In my case some adult conversation is all I needed. 

You never know when you'll show up right when you're needed--- and to my neighbor, thanks for coming to "just hold a baby"!

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