Monday, February 3, 2014

An apple a day...

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! In our house, an apple a day -- keeps the boys entertained for hours!!! Pretty simple: 1) buy an apple 2) take sticker off apple 3) wash apple... 4) hand apple to kid. They take it from there.

These two love eating apples. Don't try to cut it up into pieces, Landon will just get mad at you -- it's best just to let the little turd have the whole darn thing! Today we ate an apple from 4:00 (after nap) until about 6:30. Walking around, playing -- apple in one hand. Swapping brother apples a few times, throwing that darn thing a few times across the room... Mom washes it off, and we're at it again! Skin and all, they don't care. Landon even gave his apple a little drive on his 4wheeler... it fit perfect in the cup holder.

The only problem with letting them have at it, they tend to think they can also eat other random whole foods. Just the other day, they got ahold of a potato... not as simple to eat as an apple. To be right honest about it, all we ended up with was potatoes all over the house! Oranges also have caused an issue. Landon thinks he can eat the peel and all... and he gets a bit upset with me when I peel it first...

So, if you have a 17 month old that you need to entertain for awhile -- give him an apple! After hours of eating on it, just think how much immunity he has built up.

We love raspberries too!

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