Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Twice the trouble!

Twice the trouble!

Who would have ever guessed 10 little toes could hurt so much?! The boys are into climbing onto any and everything they can... How you might ask? Well, those wonderful 4wheelers they got for Christmas turns out make the best "sidekicks". When it comes to getting into trouble, they both assist each other pretty well, but nothing compares to the support they get from their 4wheelers. They will drive those things over to any object they feel they need a closer look at. Then those 10 little toes find there way to objects such as: on top of the kitchen table, in front of the fish tank... (Terrorizing the poor fish on the other side of the glass) on top of the back of the couch, and the list goes on and on. However, my personal favorite is daddy! As soon as he comes in at night--- he becomes the boys' jungle gym. It's all fun and games until daddy takes a few little toes to ribs! (In the boys' defense--- I'm
Sure they do make a great step :)) If ever there were a time the boys will see daddy cry, it'll happen at this point. Somehow those 10 little toes sure can hurt!!!

They've also learned how to get behind the couch... It's a real fun place to hide/play, and it honestly doesn't hurt anything. The only problem is they have yet to figure out how to get out from behind there. I've got strong arms! Strong enough to lift two little boys over the back of the couch, and to the floor where they instantly go running & giggling. It's only about 5 minutes before they seem to forget about being stuck behind the couch, and what do ya know... I'm missing 2 little boys again! 

Another trademark of mom in them--- so darn proud! 

1 comment:

  1. soo funny!! Just the beginning of all things climbing, jumping off of, crawling into places they can't get out of....awwww the joys of little boys!
