Tuesday, June 10, 2014


It is amazing to me just how many people ask me questions already regarding the boys' education in the future. Lots of questions! Questions like: where will they go to school.... Will they be in the same room or will you seperate them... They aren't even 2 yet and I feel as though I should already be thinking about these questions in perticular. Part of me gets kind of upset--- at what point do we as parents need to step back and allow our kids to be kids? 3 year old preschools, full day option at the age of 4... Developmentally are they ready? Do they need the 2 years at preschool? That's an awful lot of pressure on parents, I can't imagine how my 3 year old will feel. I'm not saying there is a right and a wrong way-- but what happens if being the mother of twins I have one that needs the 2 years of preschool and one that is more than prepared for the challenges of kindergarten...

And why am I being pressured by so many to think of all this before the boys even turn 2... Here's why:

Education is important. I've worked in the school system, I've seen the result of "uninvolved" parents. I've seen the struggle of kids trying to keep their heads afloat... How can a child possibly be expected to succeed if they have never had a parent care enough to sit down and read a story with them? If a child can't read, everything else will be a struggle. That's a fact. But---Maybe I see things from a different perspective...

I've been told time and time again how important it is to read to your kids at a young age. The love of reading I hope to instill in my kids early. So, they have a lot of books-- I usually only make it through a few pages before they're off to something else... But, they love looking at books. Tonight at bedtime I read a book Landon chose and then one Logan chose. After Logan's was done I handed it back to him, he walked away then came back and said "read again" *clear as day!* I'm not a great reader, never have I been one--- but it just stands as a reminder that my boys don't care. They don't care! The important thing is that I take the time every night to sit down and read them a book. 

Education is sooo important. But, I've decided that for today, tomorrow, and forever: I will do my absolute best to do what I feel is best for them. Day by day. They grow fast enough without the pressures from everyone around us... When the day comes, we will do what's in the best interest of the boys. And guess what, the greatest part about it is: I'm not really sure there is a right or wrong answer. Small school, large school. Same class, different class... Time will tell, but for right now-- I'm gonna let my boys be little boys. We're gonna play in the dirt, we're gonna get in trouble, we're gonna spend time in timeout... But one thing is for sure, we will read books. 

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