Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The newest mishap...

The greatest privledge of being a stay at home mom with twins is seeing all the orneriness unfold right before your eyes. Now, I know those who know us personally could never imagine how two people such as ourselves could possibly create two little boys who would be anything but complete angels. I'm a bit baffled also! But--- it happened, and each and every day they do something else that makes me turn my head and laugh. Here's the best "mishap" from our day.

I was changing a diaper on brother A, when brother B seemed to have disappeared out of sight. From the dining room I hear a "woosh woosh" sound... I instantly knew what madness was unfolding while Logan was unattended. It wasn't the wipes container that I had anticipated but even better--- the Kleenex box! So, I shoved them all back in the box--- put them on the dining room table, and thought, oh well! Wasn't that bad. 

Fast forward a few hours---

I am now changing brother B's diaper and Landon was playing on the deck. (No worries it's gated in, and the patio door is open so they come and go as they please) After spending a lot of time this afternoon picking up the yard, I was a bit baffled when I saw white trash all over it. Upon further investigation I discovered those white pieces were in fact the same Kleenexs that I had placed on the table! I look to the dining room and sure enough I see a little red 4wheeler parked next to it... 

What a turd! If you need me, I'll be chasing little pieces of Kleenex around the yard! How many come in a box anyway?

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