Monday, February 3, 2014

Whole Milk... Sweet and glorious whole milk!

It's just been one of those days... One of those days that being a stay at home mom is once again the greatest job in the world! As Dad left the house this morning I requested that he bring home some milk for the boys--- so I didn't have to "get them out in the rainy weather" aka mom doesn't want to go anywhere...

Both boys are on 100% whole milk now. (have been for awhile) Yippee! Sure beats the $60/can formula that seemed to be a treasure hunt to find! Good 'ole Whole Milk, found at all grocery stores--- Whole Milk. $3/gallon Whole Milk! And boy oh boy do they love it. It is not at all uncommon for the two of them to drink a gallon in a day. Logan usually brings me his sippy cup and throws it on my lap--- problem... He's all out! Landon on the other hand usually finds Logan's bottle first to check if he has any left. If it seems to be all gone, I'll hear "mommmamamamama"!  

I have suggested that we look into a family Milk Cow... However, I am sure we all know who would have to milk that cow. Let's be honest, I don't have a lot of free time to put milking a cow into my daily routine. Milk prices could go up to $20 a gallon and we'd still be saving a boatload of money compared to the liquid gold we used to buy!

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