Monday, February 3, 2014

Family Comes First

I was raised in a household that family means everything. Fortunately enough for me, my husband was also. Our family will always be our everything. As a little girl, it was a very rare occasion that we had a babysitter on the weekends--- in fact, if mom & dad ever went out with friends, they took us along. To me becoming a Mom changed my life, but that's how I was raised. To each their own, but becoming a Mom means you give up the way you once lived your life, to make sure you make their lives as great as possible.

My Saturday shopping trips with girlfriends turned into diaper runs at Sams Club, or Babies R Us for essentials for the boys -- with my mother in law. (the only one brave enough to go along) I no longer had the car we piled friends in the backseat to head to the Casino, or go to a concert -- my backseat is now occupied by an oversized diaper bag and two carseats. 

Going out for supper usually consists of either taking two adorable extra boys along, cutting up food in bite sized pieces, and ending up sharing my food because it tasted better to them than what was ordered. Staying out all night long doesn't even enter my mind. Hurrying through supper to make it home in time to get them in their own beds -- because they sleep so much better that way. Yep our weekends usually are spent riding 4-wheelers around the dining room, putting the boys to bed at 8:00, and watching a movie before we crash ourselves at 10:00. Once in awhile we find ourselves heading to the neighbors for a challenging night of Wii racing and homemade pizza, all while drinking a Pepsi to ensure I get my boys home safe... 

God gave me the greatest blessings on earth. A great husband, a wonderfully supportive family, and two healthy little boys. I no longer carry a fancy purse, usually I find myself asking "...can it hold diapers, wipes, AND sippy cups..." if it can't, it's just not going to work. My clothing selection now consists of shirts that can be thrown in the washer and dryer, and shoes that can chase after toddlers. 

The day I became a mom was the day I committed my life to them. I won't be the Mom they see having a glass of wine every night, and I'm sure someday I will most definetly not be the "cool mom". I believe in time outs. Groundings will occur, and they will be held accountable for their actions. 

They may not like me most days, but let me assure you someday they will think back to all those weekends spent with mom & dad doing things as a family. Memories that will forever be imbedded in their hearts. Just like I was brought up: if it's not in my family's best interest... It's not going to be done. 

FAMILY comes first!

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