Saturday, January 4, 2014

Then comes diaper changes...

First comes love...
Then comes diaper changes. I hate to tell ya, this is still a chore! When Landon wakes up in the morning, he is sooo excited to be up, the last thing he wants to do is wear a diaper. Sometimes I really question if it's worth the fight... What's the worst that's gonna happen?! He might pee on his brother--- *karma?* a little revenge from all those times he's had to have a second bath compliments of Logan. So, sorry back to the diaper-- I finally get him out of his pajamas, and out of the old diaper. At this point Logan needs some mom time and usually clobbers me to sit on my lap. And upppp up and away goes Landon. Congratulations son, you've escaped for now! So side track to Logan... Out of his pajamas, out of his diaper--- new one on, while he wiggles about. He hops up and as he's walking away I notice my skills on a moving target aren't the greatest... I should probably make sure his 'cheeks' get put away properly. So I run after him, resecure the diaper and get him in some clothes for the day. Meanwhile, Landon lays down next to him, and I proceed to get him dressed. Down the stairs we go to find some breakfast. After oatmeal and toast, the boys sit down on the floor to watch the usual: Mickey Mouse clubhouse. Pretty soon Landon comes over to snuggle with me, unusual for him at this point in the day--- I prop him up on my lap... oh gosh, his sippy must have popped open. He's awfully wet... I glance down at the floor and to my surprise, the lid is still properly tight on his cup. Anyhow, I've gotta get him into some dry clothes, maybe I didn't get his diaper on good--- wow. This might just be my best "ditzy mom" moment yet--- in total disbelief of myself, I realize that I forgot to ever put a diaper on the kid! Congratulations Mom!!! And as if my pride wasn't already hurt, the little turd is giggling--- and yep, you guessed it... Mom got new clothes on too (if you catch my drift) Well done Landon James! 

Landon - 1 
Mom - 0

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