Sunday, June 8, 2014

4-wheeled problem

Ive said it before... I'll say it again...

What was I thinking?! I'm not sure what part of me thought buying two little boys 4-wheelers was a good idea--- I'm really beginning to question my intelligence... 

As you may have already guessed--- the saga of the 4-wheelers continue. They've done some naughty, crazy things with those little battery operated Kawasakis, but this latest stunt takes the cake! I'm still in shock about it. Complete and total shock. This recent "mishaps" involved my baby b--- "not afraid of nothin', I'll do anything once, stop me if you can Baby B." I was sitting in the living room when from the dining room comes Logan, riding side saddle on his "red power wheel". Not really paying any attention, he keeps driving across the living room... Next thing I know, he hits the side table, slides backwards down to the bottom of the 4-wheeler seat--- and pops a wheely! He proceeds to push the button to make the back tires continue to spin and next thing I see--- he managed to park that Kawasakis front tires on my glass top end table! How he did it---- I'm hoping was just pure luck. Next thing I see, that blonde headed little dare devil turns around and with the biggest grin on his face--- he laughs his little butt off!

If this is a sign of things to come-- I'd say it's a good thing we have insurance on the kid! *although we may need to look into a lower deductible* 

Raising boys. It's a tough job---
I find myself saying time and time again, "boys, how many times do I have to tell you-- don't use your 4-wheelers for bad things!"

What a stupid thing to say--- what exactly did I think toddlers would do with them?! Here he is, after he got bucked off... 

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