Monday, September 29, 2014

Wow! Summer adventures

It's been awhile! We've been having such a fun summer that the hours seem to slip right away. The boys have really begun to develop personalities and are becoming more "little boy" every day! The days of two babies are gone and now we have officially entered "toddler twos". I refuse to call it the "terrible twos" because "two-terrible twos" sounds horrifying! Our summer consisted of lots of county fairs, the state fair, a trip to colorado, the lake, and many zoo visits! As my husband likes to tell people: I'm a stay at home mom who doesn't stay home. BUT in my defense-- I only have a few years with them before the harsh schedules of school begins. So, we're going to have fun while we can! 

Our trip to colorado was an adventure in itself, and I'll write a blog once I'm able to comprehend exactly how we survived :) 

The state fair is a must every year. We of course spent Wednesday at the beef show supporting some great area youth. I couldn't think of a better group of 'kids' for the boys to be around. They helped to transform their cattle chutes into a nice playground area for the boys... And many tractors and cattle were played with. It's amazing how fitting mats can we propped up to make baby fencing. The boys were fed lots of 'crap' and too much lemonade... But, as always-- they loved playing with "the big kids". We've decided on a few new animals that we need for the farm... This list consists of but is not limited to: a miniature Hereford, a fainting goat, some ducks, baby chicks, and lastly a miniature horse. We have a lot of convincing to do still, but I have full confidence dad will cave. 

On the first day of the fair we loaded the boys up bright and early and headed for the multiples contest. My mom and a good family friend came along for the show, and the boys got 3rd place for most alike under 2. I've never been more appreciative of Logan's chubby cheeks..... I'm not sure how some of those moms do it. You may think the boys look the same, but compared to some of those twins-- my boys are exact opposite!

Speaking of opposites...

Landon has become VERY vocal this summer. Most notably he can we heard yelling "I'M STUCK"... It was super cute at first, but now that I get to hear it every time he's in his car seat... I'm rethinking the "cute" factor. 

Logan is still our quiet one... Until just the past few days, he kept to himself vocally. He has a sneaky way of getting his point across without words. His most noticed vocabulary comes in the form of tractor sounds... He's a farm kid, thru and thru. However, he doesn't seem to have a problem yelling "MOM" or "dad" when he needs something. 

We don't walk anymore... It's a quick run. We've become experts at "moo-Ing" at the cows, and are officially farm management... Requiring rides around the farm on the ranger. 

Life is still an adventure, and is non-stop running everyday. Every minute of our day revolves around the boys... And we wouldn't want it any other way. 

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