Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Today I was rummaging through a few boxes and found some of the items from my baby shower. I wanted to share with everyone some advice I was given by some of the best moms I know. Each and every one of them are unbelievably strong, loving mothers-- that I truly look up to. Here goes:

--- breathe! There will be stressful times, but breathe and know "this too shall pass"! Enjoy & love them!
- Wow, if this one isn't so true! I don't know how many times I just stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. All those sleepless nights, seemed so long at the time, but looking back, they went fast!

--- relax!! 
- exactly! Nothing gets a baby more worked up than a worked up mom. As my husband always says, an animal can tell when you are nervous. I'd say the same is true for babies. Relax and everything goes so much smoother. 

--- always, always, always remember the love that created your precious gifts. Sing to your babies, hug them tightly, and never have a day go by when you don't tell them I love you.

- how true this is! I'm that crazy mom, and to be honest-- dad is the crazy dad-- that sings to our kids. My songs of course are a bit more appropriate lullabies, but none the less 100% off key and wonderful! My boys hug, they even give kisses--- to anyone with open arms! One thing's for sure, our kids know they are loved. They hear it more than enough that someday they will be annoyed by it, just how I want it!

---Laugh! When the babies are crying and you're tired and stressed find something to laugh about. Parenting is hard and you have to remember it's fun.
- So many times during this "ride" of being parents of twins all we could do was laugh. Some of the things that happen to us are completely out of this world. The explosive diaper at the doctors office, totally embarrassing -- but a complete comic event! (just like when we found out we were having two -- all we could do was laugh)

---Take time for your family, and don't worry about cleaning. They grow too fast.
- The first few months especially, my house was clean thanks to my husband, my mother in law & mother. I had nothing to do with it! I was busy with my babies, and to this day -- if the dishes are in the sink, and its a nice day out... the dishes don't get done. It's our house and we have priorities, our family.

And finally, the best advice I think... comes from my own mom...
--- Patience... not only for the boys, but for yourself. Remember to always love & cherish the family you have.
- Patience has kept me alive these past 20 months. Although, being patient to myself has been a tough one. Without our family I'm not sure how we would have made it. My sisters always a phone call away for advice, and to be reminded to breath... my mom and mother in law stepping up to help in any and everyway they could... my sister in law for doing some VERY long nights with Dad while I was sick... and especially my husband, for being the rock of our family.

I heard lots of advice throughout my pregnancy, but really -- it was trial and error with twins. I had to do what worked for us. Must be doing something right, we've all managed to survive 20 months and counting!

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