Sunday, February 16, 2014

I smile.

This weekend we took the boys to the beef expo junior show at the state fair grounds. Got them all bundled up, and put them in our marvelous stroller. While walking around, I got a lot of questions by people... Mostly the same old "oh are they twins..." But some encouraging, and some just wow-- you really just asked me that haha... One particular person asked me something I've been asked before, "how do you do it"... But for some reason this time it struck me a bit different. She went on to tell me that she really never felt she was 'cut out' to be a mom. 

Now, to me that seems a little hard to understand. I always knew I wanted to be a mom someday. I think everyone around me knew I'd be a mom someday. In that moment for some reason I didn't give my usual, oh it's a lot of fun response. I felt like she truly was asking me a question. "How do you do it?!" I didn't know exactly what I wanted to say but I've thought about it, and here's my thought:

 Everyone has a dream. For instance my husband has such a passion for our family, the land, and the cattle he feeds everyday. He wakes up every morning and it doesn't seem like he's even going to work. He is living his dream. I'd say in a sense, the same is true for me. I wake up every morning and love going in to see my 'bosses' all 22 pounds of them (Each that is) there they stand hooting and hollering at me, not at all upset-- and on real good days, they even jump up and down to see me. I'm not saying this has come without struggles. In fact, I can tell you I'd rather have a tooth pulled than do some of those long nights again... But all those little moments---Those smiles I see when they realize I'm standing at the door in the mornings, the snuggles on my lap as we read a book, or the scream of excitement when I let them play in the bath tub... Those little moments outweigh all the struggles in the world. How do I do it... most of all, I smile. 

That's it. That's how I do it!

I smile.

Because when I see them smile back, I won't ever forget that this was my dream. 

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