Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gibberish decoder needed!

I think it's fair to say I may have my hands full in the years to come. It's my own fault really... I answer "yep" & "okay" numerous times a day to the boys, and when I stop to think about it... That might not be a good thing. I've probably agreed to half the trouble they get into. I need a jibberish translator. Someone besides the twins. They sure do understand what they are saying, but Mom can only make out a few things. "Landon" & "Logy" are getting easy to decode... And "mom" and "dad" too--- but the only thing scarier than full sentences is when the boys come up to me and talk non-stop. Correction--- it's the scariest when Logan points his finger and gets louder and louder.... No idea buddy, but I answer with "okay"! Then they turn around and take off, sometimes giggling with each other. Whoops! Not sure what I agreed to but, how much trouble can they really get into?! 

The next think I know, they're on top of the table... Shredding the paper. Of course I can't compose myself long enough to tell them "no" so instead, I sit at the table and supervise, making sure it's not important stuff. Seeing those little smiles, and hearing those laughs--- that's all it takes, heart melted. They love newspapers, pretending to read them and shredding them! Oh well, in my book that's no big deal. 

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