Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Pumpkin Patch

Wow! It's been an awful long time since my last blog... we've been so busy!! A little extra busy for mom especially... let me give you a quick run down...

My mother in law is currently in California going through the bone marrow transplant procedure... she is a match for her brother who is in the process of kicking some leukemia butt! He is the strongest person we know, and we are certain that he will kick this and be able to come visit the boys soon. (or maybe we should vacation mmm... Brian -- prepare yourself for company!) With Grandma gone for two whole weeks, mom hasn't gotten much time for breathing  --- believe it or not these two are non stop go!

We have been on a few adventures this week... here's what the boys have been up too...
On Tuesday, we loaded up and made a last minute decision to head to see our cousins in the city. We found our way to the big pumpkin patch out there and spent the day. With four kids in car seats... we shifted my niece and nephew to the back seats and my boys were in the middle. As soon as that happened --- bam! God threw me another "hey kim, be glad I gave you boys" card... my niece went into total meltdown about wanting to sit by one of the twins. I'm talking inconsolable drama queen breakdown! Good thing her mom is use to the drama of having a girl, and out the driveway we went. No musical chairs was going to take place in that mom's vehicle!

 We made a pit stop at a gas station to get some snacks and a couple individual sized whole milks for the boys. (Yes--- both boys are on 100% whole milk!!!) *insert happy dance* I have a backpack that has a side pocket that is insulated... great investment! Shoved everything in the backpack, and arrived at the patch just in time to enjoy the afternoon. I brought my double stroller, and a good friend met us with her little girl -- she had brought her stroller also. The two older kids would be fine walking, right? WRONG-O. My nephew decided he wanted to either be carried or ride in the stroller... you would think my sister would just carry that 3 year old all day.... no. That turd ended up in the double stroller and Aunt Kim got to carry one of the twins!  After awhile we opted to try and fit Landon in with our friend's little girl.... success! All I can say is mom's hold close to your girls-- we've got ourselves a ladies man. 

Okay--- that's all for now. Nighty night from one tired momma!

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