Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Exhausted Mom...

Wowza! What a day... As of right now both the boys are in their cribs for naps, only 5 hours later than when I first attempted to put them down. A big shout out for those teeth coming at the same time and with many coming in at once! That makes this house a whole-lotta-fun! 

Let's see... My day started at 2:24am. That's according to that clock I've come to hate hanging on the wall of the boys' room. Come to think of it--- I might just take it down, I only look at it when the "moments not right" --- and I end up cursing it.... So, what do I do at 2:00am......... I hold a screaming baby that really isn't even awake. Logan will wake up in the middle of the night (screaming) and it'll take me a good 5-10 minutes sometimes to get him to open his eyes to see that it's even me... I'm not sure if he gets growing pains, his teeth hurt, or maybe he has a bad dream--- but it breaks my heart. Last night he snuggled with me until he fell back asleep so I could put him back to bed. 

Short entry today, dishes need cleaned, laundry needs folded, and I need a nap... Rock, paper, scissors--- nap wins out! Nighty night everyone! I've hopefully got a good half hour, no door bell--- phone on silent. If anyone wakes those teething monsters, you WILL face the consequences. 

One Exhausted Mom of Twins....

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