Sunday, September 8, 2013

"how do you survive twins..."

We have been blessed beyond words. I can not even begin to express how grateful I am for the family we have. It's because of our family that these past few years have been as smooth as they possibly could be.

For example: Landon and Logan have the greatest grandparent's in the world! Both grandma's were around as much as possible when we brought the boys home from the hospital. My mom would come up after she got off work for the first few weeks, and just do whatever needed done. More recently on her days off, you can find her going to doctor's appointments with us, or helping me to "find my house". My mother in law stops by often to check in on us. On her way home from work, mostly just to make sure I still had my sanity. The boys will spend a few hours here and there with Grandma and Grandpa... they enjoy taking naps with Grandpa, and usually getting spoiled by Grandma.

I honestly can say that it's because of my parents and my in-laws that we have the happy boys we do today. Our boys have only been to a babysitter 1 time... all the other times we've needed someone to watch them, they just headed to grandma and grandpa's house! I could never thank our family enough for all they have done for us, and all they continue to do.

So the answer to a very common question I hear "how do you survive twins"... family. Plain and simple. We have the greatest family in the world, and THEY are the reason I "make it look so easy".

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