Thursday, September 5, 2013

Nursing Two

I've been asked to discuss a little bit about kind of a personal topic, but one that I truly do get lots of questions about.  

Nursing two ---
I was bound determined that I was going to give my boys the best start possible coming into this world. Please, before I begin please take no offense to my beliefs. I went into my last few months really unsure if it was even possible. One day my specialist asked "are you planning to nurse?" My answer was of course I'd love to if I can... he made one little note and said to me, absolutely possible! I had wonderful wonderful nurses in the hospital. Without going into many details, I'll explain how I managed to successfully do it.

After the boys were born, their blood sugars were low, so they instantly had a small bottle right away in the recovery room. Many people told me to NOT let them feed them with a bottle right away, but honestly I needed that time to just relax and celebrate the fact that they were here! Within about an hour of getting back to my room, I had two nurses come in and they helped get me started nursing the boys. I had a set of what is called "Itzabeens", they were hand held devices that told me how long it had been since the boys ate and diaper changes and stuff like that... they also told me which side each of the boys had nursed from last. So, when it was time to feed the boys, I would push the call button and I had a nurse come assist me. Every single time. I also had a WONDERFUL twin nursing pillow that made life a lot easier... Logan instantly caught onto nursing, Landon on the other hand had a lot of troubles figuring it out -- but eventually both were pros!

I honestly believe that a high stressed person would have lots of trouble doing it. Thankfully I am a very relaxed mom, I don't get too worked up about a lot. I had great friends, an amazing husband, and wonderful family that was around the first few weeks until I got a hang of things. Without them--- I would have never been able to do it... 

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