Thursday, September 5, 2013

My other position...

I've slowly begun taking over a new title in our household... not only am I mom & wife, I have recently became the house referee. It is mind blowing that at only 12 months of age I have already begun splitting up wrestling matches, mending broken hearts, and icing down boo boos.

Those little wooden blocks are great toys for single children... but for twin boys they become flying projectiles that eventually end up colliding mid air with the other brother's head. Tragic! The cars that can be rode or pushed, those have also been the cause of many tears due to one brother driving over the others foot. With two boys any simple object can turn on you and become an issue -- like baby wipes for instance. Those darn container are great for pinching fingers... and if you think strapping them into the stroller stops the madness, think again! The stroller is the #1 cause these days of tears in our family. I have a double decker stroller that the boys sit stacked, one down low and the other stacked behind him a little higher up... That seating arrangement provides a perfect position to pull hair --- sometimes I just can't win.

All in all, I'd have to say I'd take my boys ANY DAY over a couple girls... I can be the referee, I can put on band aids... I'll scrub the dirt out of clothes, I'll buy the tractors instead of dolls..... I'll chase them out of trees... and the best part of it all, between grandpa and dad -- there's room for them both in separate tractors.

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