Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mirror twins

At the boys' 12 month appointment our doctor had asked if we had noticed any certain traits that would make us believe they are "mirror identical twins"... We had heard of this term from my specialist early on in my pregnancy-- but he said it was a slim chance, but could happen... Below is a brief summary of what "mirror twins" are----

Mirror image twins occur when the egg split later on --like a few weeks after conception - the twins can develop reverse asymmetric features. This term is not really a type of twin, just a way to describe their physical features. For example, they may be right and left handed---have birthmarks on opposite sides of their body, or have hair whorls that swirl in opposite directions. In theory, if the twins faced each other, they would appear to be exact reflections of each other. About 25% of identical twins are mirror image twins.

Okay--pretty cool, right? So I said early on how awesome that would be! 

Update: we have recently noticed that the boys' crown on the back of their heads are on opposite sides... And just today we noticed a birth mark has developed on Landon's tummy on the opposite side that Logan's is on!!! As far as right hand left hand goes, we will just wait and see... Landon has a signature trait that has created a special bond with his GREAT Aunt (she sucked her fingers just like he does) and she happens to be left handed, time will tell.... But, I'm going to put it in writing right now---
"If Landon turns out to be left handed such as his Great Aunt, she will then be responsible for paying full tuition to a college of his choice" ***disclaimer: this includes undergraduate studies AND vet school***

Best start saving Aunt Laurie--- these boys have already and will continue to beat all odds...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Pumpkin Patch

Wow! It's been an awful long time since my last blog... we've been so busy!! A little extra busy for mom especially... let me give you a quick run down...

My mother in law is currently in California going through the bone marrow transplant procedure... she is a match for her brother who is in the process of kicking some leukemia butt! He is the strongest person we know, and we are certain that he will kick this and be able to come visit the boys soon. (or maybe we should vacation mmm... Brian -- prepare yourself for company!) With Grandma gone for two whole weeks, mom hasn't gotten much time for breathing  --- believe it or not these two are non stop go!

We have been on a few adventures this week... here's what the boys have been up too...
On Tuesday, we loaded up and made a last minute decision to head to see our cousins in the city. We found our way to the big pumpkin patch out there and spent the day. With four kids in car seats... we shifted my niece and nephew to the back seats and my boys were in the middle. As soon as that happened --- bam! God threw me another "hey kim, be glad I gave you boys" card... my niece went into total meltdown about wanting to sit by one of the twins. I'm talking inconsolable drama queen breakdown! Good thing her mom is use to the drama of having a girl, and out the driveway we went. No musical chairs was going to take place in that mom's vehicle!

 We made a pit stop at a gas station to get some snacks and a couple individual sized whole milks for the boys. (Yes--- both boys are on 100% whole milk!!!) *insert happy dance* I have a backpack that has a side pocket that is insulated... great investment! Shoved everything in the backpack, and arrived at the patch just in time to enjoy the afternoon. I brought my double stroller, and a good friend met us with her little girl -- she had brought her stroller also. The two older kids would be fine walking, right? WRONG-O. My nephew decided he wanted to either be carried or ride in the stroller... you would think my sister would just carry that 3 year old all day.... no. That turd ended up in the double stroller and Aunt Kim got to carry one of the twins!  After awhile we opted to try and fit Landon in with our friend's little girl.... success! All I can say is mom's hold close to your girls-- we've got ourselves a ladies man. 

Okay--- that's all for now. Nighty night from one tired momma!

Friday, September 20, 2013

...on the farm...

Raising children on the farm is a must after being around some "city folk" today. Today we adventured to see Thomas the Train... At 8:15 I decided we'd tag along with my sister's family--- and so 1 hour later we were on the road! 

Fast forward---While on the train ride, the family sitting across the isle from us pointed out the "horses" in the pasture we were passing by-- hello! That was NOT a horse, that's what we call a donkey-- or a Jackass to be perfectly correct. I bit my lip to not explain to those kids--- BUT as I looked at my little "city" niece and nephew, I DID make sure they knew! 

Suddenly it dawned on me... it seems to be kind of "out of norm" to raise your kids on the farm these days. Our boys will learn responsibility the best way possible, in the barn. They will learn the hard part of life when they have a pup hit on the road. They will see the greatest things in life are not things... It is the passion to be able to love an animal with all of your heart and form a bond with them--- a bond so strong that even if the world has turned it's back on you, the barn will always be the sanctuary. Their safe place... That my friends is something that can only be found raising kids on a farm.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Embrace the silliness...

Best Friends Forever! That's the greatest part about having twins. Today Landon was pushing Logan around on one of his ride on cars... as a mom, that just makes my heart melt! 

But the highlight of the day came first thing this morning---
Giggling came from underneath the table, and so of course not knowing what was going on, I had to go undercover! I crawled under the table to find Landon with a banana slice off the ground---stuck on his head! (Left over from breakfast)... That boy is so darn funny! The other day he was balancing a puff on his head and was walking his few steps, stopped checked to make sure it was there still and then crawled on.... This went on for awhile, and Logan just sat and laughed his little butt off! Where does this kid come up with this stuff!!!! He's also been known to stuff a wet one in his mouth while you're watching--- and just giggle.... That my friends is proof that they DO have a little bit of mommy in them. Not that I've recently balanced snacks on my head or smashed a banana on the forehead, but I have been known to be a bit off the wall at times...

What would this world be without someone who can just make you laugh? My promise to the both of them is that I will embrace their silliness, I will always laugh, but most of all--- I will teach them that it's okay to be themselves because everyone else is already taken. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

How it really was...

As the boys get older, I can now truly express how the first few months with them went... Warning: if you are expecting more than one baby--- do not read. (The unknown is best)

When I say we were up every half hour, I'm not even kidding. I can recall looking at the clock praying it would say 4:00am--- I told myself at 4:00, it was okay to start the day. For us, their was no trick to get those babies to sleep. We tried the co-sleeper approach, putting them both in 1 crib -- that didn't seem to matter. We also tried lullaby music, swings... You name it! I actually could be seen in my reclining sofa with two little boys on my chest, those few hours were fantastic! 

We went through about 500 diapers in the first month... My days consisted of diaper changes, feedings, and no sleep haha! 

When I hear: "oh, just wait--- that was the easy part"... They definitely are only a parent of singleton babies...
No mother of multiples would disagree when I say that if anyone went through the first few months a mother of mutiples does--- they'd never again say something so foolish! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

This is a HAWKEYE State....

As the "big game" approaches this weekend, I'd like to talk about how important it is to think, rethink, and triple think about the people you choose to surround your children with. Are the people you have around a good influence in the most important growing years of their lives? Well, at the time we thought the boys' god parents were perfect... Then it took a turn for the worse---

You see, both their godparents were born with a birth defect... One that is hard to over look, and will alter the boys their entire lives. Both are Cyclone fans. Sad, I know... Not everyone can be born with the mentality to be awesome. One of them has even marked my children with hate --- cyclone tattoos on their lower backs after I so kindly let her play with them one afternoon. 

As for my boys, they will learn lessons early in life due to this unfortunate event:
1) love others even if they are "different"
2) red and gold do NOT go together
3) always remind everyone, this is in fact a HAWKEYE state! Go Hawks!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Exhausted Mom...

Wowza! What a day... As of right now both the boys are in their cribs for naps, only 5 hours later than when I first attempted to put them down. A big shout out for those teeth coming at the same time and with many coming in at once! That makes this house a whole-lotta-fun! 

Let's see... My day started at 2:24am. That's according to that clock I've come to hate hanging on the wall of the boys' room. Come to think of it--- I might just take it down, I only look at it when the "moments not right" --- and I end up cursing it.... So, what do I do at 2:00am......... I hold a screaming baby that really isn't even awake. Logan will wake up in the middle of the night (screaming) and it'll take me a good 5-10 minutes sometimes to get him to open his eyes to see that it's even me... I'm not sure if he gets growing pains, his teeth hurt, or maybe he has a bad dream--- but it breaks my heart. Last night he snuggled with me until he fell back asleep so I could put him back to bed. 

Short entry today, dishes need cleaned, laundry needs folded, and I need a nap... Rock, paper, scissors--- nap wins out! Nighty night everyone! I've hopefully got a good half hour, no door bell--- phone on silent. If anyone wakes those teething monsters, you WILL face the consequences. 

One Exhausted Mom of Twins....

Sunday, September 8, 2013

"how do you survive twins..."

We have been blessed beyond words. I can not even begin to express how grateful I am for the family we have. It's because of our family that these past few years have been as smooth as they possibly could be.

For example: Landon and Logan have the greatest grandparent's in the world! Both grandma's were around as much as possible when we brought the boys home from the hospital. My mom would come up after she got off work for the first few weeks, and just do whatever needed done. More recently on her days off, you can find her going to doctor's appointments with us, or helping me to "find my house". My mother in law stops by often to check in on us. On her way home from work, mostly just to make sure I still had my sanity. The boys will spend a few hours here and there with Grandma and Grandpa... they enjoy taking naps with Grandpa, and usually getting spoiled by Grandma.

I honestly can say that it's because of my parents and my in-laws that we have the happy boys we do today. Our boys have only been to a babysitter 1 time... all the other times we've needed someone to watch them, they just headed to grandma and grandpa's house! I could never thank our family enough for all they have done for us, and all they continue to do.

So the answer to a very common question I hear "how do you survive twins"... family. Plain and simple. We have the greatest family in the world, and THEY are the reason I "make it look so easy".

Thursday, September 5, 2013

My other position...

I've slowly begun taking over a new title in our household... not only am I mom & wife, I have recently became the house referee. It is mind blowing that at only 12 months of age I have already begun splitting up wrestling matches, mending broken hearts, and icing down boo boos.

Those little wooden blocks are great toys for single children... but for twin boys they become flying projectiles that eventually end up colliding mid air with the other brother's head. Tragic! The cars that can be rode or pushed, those have also been the cause of many tears due to one brother driving over the others foot. With two boys any simple object can turn on you and become an issue -- like baby wipes for instance. Those darn container are great for pinching fingers... and if you think strapping them into the stroller stops the madness, think again! The stroller is the #1 cause these days of tears in our family. I have a double decker stroller that the boys sit stacked, one down low and the other stacked behind him a little higher up... That seating arrangement provides a perfect position to pull hair --- sometimes I just can't win.

All in all, I'd have to say I'd take my boys ANY DAY over a couple girls... I can be the referee, I can put on band aids... I'll scrub the dirt out of clothes, I'll buy the tractors instead of dolls..... I'll chase them out of trees... and the best part of it all, between grandpa and dad -- there's room for them both in separate tractors.

Nursing Two

I've been asked to discuss a little bit about kind of a personal topic, but one that I truly do get lots of questions about.  

Nursing two ---
I was bound determined that I was going to give my boys the best start possible coming into this world. Please, before I begin please take no offense to my beliefs. I went into my last few months really unsure if it was even possible. One day my specialist asked "are you planning to nurse?" My answer was of course I'd love to if I can... he made one little note and said to me, absolutely possible! I had wonderful wonderful nurses in the hospital. Without going into many details, I'll explain how I managed to successfully do it.

After the boys were born, their blood sugars were low, so they instantly had a small bottle right away in the recovery room. Many people told me to NOT let them feed them with a bottle right away, but honestly I needed that time to just relax and celebrate the fact that they were here! Within about an hour of getting back to my room, I had two nurses come in and they helped get me started nursing the boys. I had a set of what is called "Itzabeens", they were hand held devices that told me how long it had been since the boys ate and diaper changes and stuff like that... they also told me which side each of the boys had nursed from last. So, when it was time to feed the boys, I would push the call button and I had a nurse come assist me. Every single time. I also had a WONDERFUL twin nursing pillow that made life a lot easier... Logan instantly caught onto nursing, Landon on the other hand had a lot of troubles figuring it out -- but eventually both were pros!

I honestly believe that a high stressed person would have lots of trouble doing it. Thankfully I am a very relaxed mom, I don't get too worked up about a lot. I had great friends, an amazing husband, and wonderful family that was around the first few weeks until I got a hang of things. Without them--- I would have never been able to do it... 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"What goes around comes around"

So, the other day I went into a bit more detail on my "Baby A" so today, I'll go a little more in depth on my "baby B".

Logan was our extra little surprise... he was called Baby B throughout my entire pregnancy because honestly, we didn't have his name picked out. Landon was decided right away, Logan took ALOT of convincing. His Dad wanted Cooper, I wanted Langston... I'm a big believer in naming twins close to the same name. See, growing up I use to play house and I had twin girls named Tara & Kara. Cute Right? That's what I thought... Looking back now, thinking of naming him Langston was a TERRIBLE idea. Landon and Logan just flows, Landon and Langston would have been horribly confusing.

Logan was hooked into the SIDE of my placenta, so every doctor's visit we focused especially close on his growth. We knew that a time may come when the boys might have to come early if Logan wasn't growing properly... lucky for us-- our little man grew perfectly on target with his brother and life was good! When the boys were born, the nurses did their normal "check them overs" and it was discovered that Logan had a dimple where his spinal cord ended. The next morning they came in to get him to do an ultra sound to make sure that his spinal cord had fused shut, and thankfully it had. At the time we had no idea what that little spot could mean. In twins especially, that could have been a sign of spinal issues... it was a long hot summer but I was so thankful at that moment that I was able to carry to 38 weeks, because if he would have come any sooner, we might not have gotten so lucky.

Logan has always been our little fighter! I 100% believe that he has fought for everything his whole life. And this is why he had such an amazing immunity when he came out. He instantly caught on to nursing, had 0 issues switching to formula, and automatically took a liking to whole milk. He also tends to pick on his brother a lot. There is NO way he's going to let Landon get off easy. 9 times out of 10 Logan is the one to antagonize. Taking toys away, wrestling... and when he's up to know good -- you know it about 60 seconds BEFORE he gets into trouble. Example - He will stand with a toy at the tv table at his grandma's house... he knows he's not to slam that toy on the wood, he'll look right at you--- grin and giggle then turn around a boom boom boom! Oh buddy, watch out world--this little boy's going to give us a run for our money. He is every definition of ornery but I wouldn't want him any other way!

If any saying comes to mind it's this one...
"what goes around comes around..."
(and I'd say his Dad has had this coming for a lot of years...)


It's been awhile since I blogged... So here was my adventure for the day!

Today we needed groceries--- I mean, out of everything --- need groceries. I put the boys in the basket of the cart... That was after I managed to scrambled them into the store one per hip. Usually I park next to the cart corral and grab a cart right away, but today they had their 'A' game working carts--- and they were already all taken inside. Bananas were the first things I picked up. My boys love bananas! If the saying of "you are what you eat" were true, my boys would be bananas! Soo, instant squeals were heard clear across the store as those bananas found their way in the cart. By the time we left the store, they had bite marks in them and one was opened... 

The bananas marked by Landon were nothing compared to my milk with a tooth puncture -- compliments of Logan...

 But the important thing was, I got what I needed! I also managed to get out of the store with two smiling babies and zero broken eggs! Winning!!!