Thursday, August 22, 2013

What a year...

What a year! I can't believe it's been a year, nor can I believe we have officially survived 1 year. One year of total chaos... but a good chaos!

I still look at my boys every morning wondering how I got so lucky. How'd God choose me to be the Mom of not only one healthy baby but two?! Honestly, in the beginning of this whole journey I felt selfish about having two. I was sad because there are those women who want a baby so bad and for reasons we can't explain they just can't... And here I was with two 'surprise' babies, perfectly healthy.

I also had a moment while pregnant that I asked myself how would I ever have enough love for two babies...Thank You, for a very special person telling me to relax, thank you for reminding me that God has a plan... and although it doesn't seem possible--- you can and will love both of them! My heart has never held so much love as the day the boys were born. Every day while pregnant and the long long days once they arrived, I told myself a few things day in and day out...
1) Everything happens for a reason...
2) If he brought you to it, he'll bring you through it...

This year has been pretty tough for our family as a whole, and I firmly believe God gave us these boys when he did because he knew we'd need them. No matter what life would throw at us, as long as we had each other -- we'd figure it out! As long as we had two little boys to make us smile at the end of the day.

This year has tested my patience, has made me laugh, lots of memories and a few moments of tears...

All in all, I'd never change a single thing! Those long nights, those moments of doubt, none of them mattered when I saw my babies smile. So, when I say cherish each minute... Do. They grow so fast. It seems like just yesterday that I was up ALL night long, and now I'm up only once (thanks a lot Logan)... Who knows maybe by this time next year I'll sleep ALL NIGHT. 

As for this mom, I'm going to hold them close, put a book on their heads (to slow down the growing a little) and pray to God that the world treats them right. 

Happy Birthday my most amazing surprises, you two are loved more than you can ever imagine. 

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