Thursday, August 15, 2013

Compliments of a klutzy mom... our "daily routine"...

With two, every day is a new adventure... per request of my sister, she's asked me to enlighten her on my daily routine... hold on to your seats folks, this is about to get interesting!

A "daily routine"... HELLO! Newsflash, there is no such thing as a daily routine in this house. Logan wakes up for a bottle at about 4:30am...proceeds to go back to bed until his brother decides to wake him up at around 6:30. By "wake up" I mean stand up on the side of his crib, holler and make noise until Logan finally stirs enough he wakes up. Most days I play the whole "hurry into their room to grab Landon before he wakes up Logan..." BUT it usually ends with my knee colliding with the end of our bed due to a lack of coordination compliments of a klutzy mom. Then, and only then is when I realize that you know what.... It's JUST NOT WORTH IT! So when you see me sporting the cool look of bruising on the knees, don't judge me... I'm a mom of twins, you just wouldn't understand.

So, we're out of bed... next step, diapers! We should've had stock in Huggies... when you have twins, changing diapers can be a bit of a challenge. Usually Landon goes first, diaper off... AND across the room, Logan sits with a smirk on his face and his brother's clean diaper in his hand. Thank You Logan! So, across the room I dart hoping to get that diaper back to the other side before Landon catches a cool breeze. (if you know what I mean) okay. Landon. Check. Now it's Logan's turn... Logan, diaper off, and boom---from the south I get sideswiped by his brother wanting Mom to hold him. MEANWHILE, Logan's rolling from back to front and in the process of takeoff to the other side of the room. Hurry, grab a diaper... wrestle that little steer down and strap that baby back on. Wowza... usually by this point, I say forget the clothes... we'll do that later!

Congratulations Mom, pat on the back... you've made it from 6:30am to 6:40am "carpet cleaner" free.

Yes my friends that is only the beginning... 13.5 hours until bedtime.......
To be continued....

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