Monday, August 26, 2013

Teething Babies

Teething babies!

Another glorious moment as a momma of twins, teething! Fortunately for us, our boys were late getting teeth... I sure hope the old wise tale is true, that the longer they wait to get teeth, the better & healthier they will be! Well Mr. Tooth Fairy, sign us up! 

Logan got his first tooth at 11 months old. That tooth made him fussy, he had a fever--- the whole works! And after that, Sir Logan has decided to just get all of those things in at once so, not only are we cutting our top tooth, we are getting BOTH our top teeth AND our second one on the bottom! Our day was great, but tonight-- he wanted to be held, and wouldn't eat a thing, and don't even think about trying to touch his gums. For a person with just one baby teething, sure you can hold him... but when you have a brother the same age teething--- that is when a daddy comes in handy! A pedialite popsicle seemed to do the trick at first (it will also be at the top of the list for cleaning tomorrow, sicky sicky everywhere!) But, ultimately a little tylenol calmed him down enough to get him to bed! 

As if one baby isn't "fun" enough teething, don't forget we have the pleasure of having a second little boy teething too! Landon thus far is the exact opposite of Logan. He has a top tooth just in, and another on the top coming AND one on the bottom. However, you would NEVER suspect it. He is just so happy go lucky! He ate steak tonight, some potatoes.... mmmm mmmmm... life is good. (Yes, I knocked on wood)

So, as their daddy pointed out tonight, a few down... only about 40-some to go! Wowzy... this is just the beginning :)

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