Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Celebrate life's little victories...

Celebrate life's little moments. Moments that tell you that everything is truly in God's hands... Tonight my blog is going to be expanding a little bit on my 'baby A'...

Landon was attached perfectly throughout my pregnancy (to my placenta) so honestly, he was what I considered my "easy" baby. However, when he was born-- that all seemed to change. I nursed my boys exclusively in the beginning, and Landon had troubles figuring that out. The big concerns came as he got older and we started supplementing with formula. Landon was throwing up, a lot. I saw many local doctors, and heard many times that it was: "normal" or a "virus"... But watching my identical boys grow further and further apart size wise... I knew something wasn't right. 

 Finally I had enough, shed some tears (alot of tears) and after many phone calls, loaded Landon back up and took him to the city once again. I was seen by our peditrician who reminded me that, I'm the mom, and I will always know what's best for my baby. I knew in my heart, something was wrong with my little man, and I was NOT going to shut my mouth until someone helped. We were referred to a gastrologist, and finally I heard that "no, it wasnt normal". First off, an upper GI... it turned out good. After a few months of trying different formulas, and medicines... Landon was diagnosed with MSPI. (Milk Soy Protein Intolerance) this meant that the formulas that had soy, were making him sick. We crossed our fingers, and hoped that at about 12 months he might grow out of it. 

Fast Foward

12 month appointment was today:
Landon is only a few ounces less than his brother, and is back on the growth chart... at a perfect weight for his height! Yay!! I'm also happy to announce, we are 100% medicine free! Small steps now, trying to introduce milk back into hos diet. Tonight he had a bottle with 1 oz of whole milk mixed with his 7oz of formula--- and--- he didn't get sick! Yay!

I understand that this is really early, but for me this was the greatest sign that we are maybe on the right track! After months and months of blaming myself, I have finally realized that everything is in much bigger hands than mine. But, God  choose me as his Mom and it is my job to protect him and be his voice. 

Moral of this blog:
Celebrate the little victories in life everyday, those little things add up to big things! 

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