Friday, August 16, 2013

Cadillac vs. Geo Prism

So, last blog I got everyone up to 6:40am  in our day. After diaper duty is over, we manage to work our way downstairs... Usually with one boy on each hip, once in awhile we get up and going fast enough for dad to take one down... the boys usually squeak and squeal at me until I get bottles made, bringing me to our next momma dilemma.

Feeding Two.

Due to some allergies, Landon and Logan are on different formulas. After some extensive doctor appointments, Landon went on a very special formula... as our doctor put it, he's on the Cadallic. Logan's more of a Geo Prism, a rusted out muffler in the backseat Geo Prism. When you have one little man drinking "liquid gold" one drop spilled makes me sick to my stomach. Luckily for us, Logan has no intrest in Landon's bottle. If he accidentally gets ahold of it, one drink and he knows he doesn't want that stuff. Landon on the other hand, will dart across the room if he sees Logan's bottle just laying around. You'd think it was Christmas when he gets a little drink of that glorious "normal milk" of his brothers... but it's short lived, it gets taken away from him and it's complete heartbreak until I can get the switcheroo done. The boys have the same bottles, but using the green & blue system each are labeled with these handy dandy bottle wraps! Score for mom, thank you modern day genius who invited those. 

And that's just the morning bottle...

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