Friday, August 23, 2013

It's all in how you look at it!

There are a few advantages of having twins... I mean, yes... we do get to be the lucky ones to buy double the formula, and double the diapers.... BUT, when it comes to buy one get one free sales-- they were made for our family! Another big advantage of having twins is our bedtime routine.

Having two babies, I wasn't able to really rocking them to sleep for very long. You see, they've never been to big on being held together. I guess they think they just had way to much quality snuggle time for 9 months that they're just not interested. They learned at a very young age to soothe themselves... Landon sucks on his middle finger & ring finger, Logan is a thumb-type of kid. Landon also puts his free hand on the back of his head at the same time... the great thing is, at 8:00, my boys get put down for bed. I literally put them into their cribs (yes, they are in separate cribs) and walk away. 99% of the time I don't hear a word. THAT is fantastic!

Another "advantage" about having two is when one gets sick, the other gets sick... BUT, the way I see it, I know it's coming! So, unlike parents of just one baby, I get a forewarning. It's all in how you look at things!

But by far the biggest advantage of having two is the number of volunteers I have to babysit! I kind of figured it would be hard to find sitters when we had 2... that's not at all the case. SO, if you have volunteered --- I haven't forgotten about you, and I'll be calling just as soon as "more of their daddy" comes out in them.

Once again, it's all in how you look at it!

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