Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Mommy down..."

Short and sweet blog tonight.

The flu has hit.
Logan - check check check 
Landon - check
Mommy - check check
Daddy - check!
Jax (the dog) - check

Please pray for my household tonight! That's all I've got time for........

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I smile.

This weekend we took the boys to the beef expo junior show at the state fair grounds. Got them all bundled up, and put them in our marvelous stroller. While walking around, I got a lot of questions by people... Mostly the same old "oh are they twins..." But some encouraging, and some just wow-- you really just asked me that haha... One particular person asked me something I've been asked before, "how do you do it"... But for some reason this time it struck me a bit different. She went on to tell me that she really never felt she was 'cut out' to be a mom. 

Now, to me that seems a little hard to understand. I always knew I wanted to be a mom someday. I think everyone around me knew I'd be a mom someday. In that moment for some reason I didn't give my usual, oh it's a lot of fun response. I felt like she truly was asking me a question. "How do you do it?!" I didn't know exactly what I wanted to say but I've thought about it, and here's my thought:

 Everyone has a dream. For instance my husband has such a passion for our family, the land, and the cattle he feeds everyday. He wakes up every morning and it doesn't seem like he's even going to work. He is living his dream. I'd say in a sense, the same is true for me. I wake up every morning and love going in to see my 'bosses' all 22 pounds of them (Each that is) there they stand hooting and hollering at me, not at all upset-- and on real good days, they even jump up and down to see me. I'm not saying this has come without struggles. In fact, I can tell you I'd rather have a tooth pulled than do some of those long nights again... But all those little moments---Those smiles I see when they realize I'm standing at the door in the mornings, the snuggles on my lap as we read a book, or the scream of excitement when I let them play in the bath tub... Those little moments outweigh all the struggles in the world. How do I do it... most of all, I smile. 

That's it. That's how I do it!

I smile.

Because when I see them smile back, I won't ever forget that this was my dream. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Most eligible bachelors

My name's Landon. I'm an 18 month old looking for any woman that will give me lots of love. I live at home with my parents, and am a stay at home son. I enjoy long baths with bubbles, and giggle when mom washes my hair. My ideal date would be riding my 4-wheeler, with your assistance at turning me around when I run into the wall. After a few sippy cups of milk, I've got enough fuel for a whole night of fun. The animal that bests discribes me would be a lion. I'm fierce, handsome, and very courageous! Not to mention, my favorite stuffed animal is my lion. Ladies, I kiss on the first date, and am guaranteed to give you a few "surprises" throughout the night. 

Hi, I'm Logan. I'm also an 18 month old-- with a 2 year old attitude. My cribs a nice rich dark wood, and unlike my brothers--- has no teeth marks. I also enjoy baths, and especially love wearing nothing but my robe after. My ideal date is anywhere with my mom. Dad says I'm a momma's boy--- but heck, with a mom like her, you would be too! I enjoy dinner time, and you can win me over with putting steak or roast on my high chair tray. After supper, I'll let you read me stories non-stop... But you must be a fast reader because I'm in charge of turning the pages. If I were an animal... I'd be monkey. I can get into and on everything I want. I'm more into hugs, and also give surprises.

Our bedtime is at 8:00 sharp. You can't wake up and stay up all night if you don't go to bed early. We come as a packaged deal, that's right--- every holiday dream: buy 1 get 1 free. But, one thing's for sure... We are full of love!

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Twice the trouble!

Twice the trouble!

Who would have ever guessed 10 little toes could hurt so much?! The boys are into climbing onto any and everything they can... How you might ask? Well, those wonderful 4wheelers they got for Christmas turns out make the best "sidekicks". When it comes to getting into trouble, they both assist each other pretty well, but nothing compares to the support they get from their 4wheelers. They will drive those things over to any object they feel they need a closer look at. Then those 10 little toes find there way to objects such as: on top of the kitchen table, in front of the fish tank... (Terrorizing the poor fish on the other side of the glass) on top of the back of the couch, and the list goes on and on. However, my personal favorite is daddy! As soon as he comes in at night--- he becomes the boys' jungle gym. It's all fun and games until daddy takes a few little toes to ribs! (In the boys' defense--- I'm
Sure they do make a great step :)) If ever there were a time the boys will see daddy cry, it'll happen at this point. Somehow those 10 little toes sure can hurt!!!

They've also learned how to get behind the couch... It's a real fun place to hide/play, and it honestly doesn't hurt anything. The only problem is they have yet to figure out how to get out from behind there. I've got strong arms! Strong enough to lift two little boys over the back of the couch, and to the floor where they instantly go running & giggling. It's only about 5 minutes before they seem to forget about being stuck behind the couch, and what do ya know... I'm missing 2 little boys again! 

Another trademark of mom in them--- so darn proud! 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gibberish decoder needed!

I think it's fair to say I may have my hands full in the years to come. It's my own fault really... I answer "yep" & "okay" numerous times a day to the boys, and when I stop to think about it... That might not be a good thing. I've probably agreed to half the trouble they get into. I need a jibberish translator. Someone besides the twins. They sure do understand what they are saying, but Mom can only make out a few things. "Landon" & "Logy" are getting easy to decode... And "mom" and "dad" too--- but the only thing scarier than full sentences is when the boys come up to me and talk non-stop. Correction--- it's the scariest when Logan points his finger and gets louder and louder.... No idea buddy, but I answer with "okay"! Then they turn around and take off, sometimes giggling with each other. Whoops! Not sure what I agreed to but, how much trouble can they really get into?! 

The next think I know, they're on top of the table... Shredding the paper. Of course I can't compose myself long enough to tell them "no" so instead, I sit at the table and supervise, making sure it's not important stuff. Seeing those little smiles, and hearing those laughs--- that's all it takes, heart melted. They love newspapers, pretending to read them and shredding them! Oh well, in my book that's no big deal. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Whole Milk... Sweet and glorious whole milk!

It's just been one of those days... One of those days that being a stay at home mom is once again the greatest job in the world! As Dad left the house this morning I requested that he bring home some milk for the boys--- so I didn't have to "get them out in the rainy weather" aka mom doesn't want to go anywhere...

Both boys are on 100% whole milk now. (have been for awhile) Yippee! Sure beats the $60/can formula that seemed to be a treasure hunt to find! Good 'ole Whole Milk, found at all grocery stores--- Whole Milk. $3/gallon Whole Milk! And boy oh boy do they love it. It is not at all uncommon for the two of them to drink a gallon in a day. Logan usually brings me his sippy cup and throws it on my lap--- problem... He's all out! Landon on the other hand usually finds Logan's bottle first to check if he has any left. If it seems to be all gone, I'll hear "mommmamamamama"!  

I have suggested that we look into a family Milk Cow... However, I am sure we all know who would have to milk that cow. Let's be honest, I don't have a lot of free time to put milking a cow into my daily routine. Milk prices could go up to $20 a gallon and we'd still be saving a boatload of money compared to the liquid gold we used to buy!

Family Comes First

I was raised in a household that family means everything. Fortunately enough for me, my husband was also. Our family will always be our everything. As a little girl, it was a very rare occasion that we had a babysitter on the weekends--- in fact, if mom & dad ever went out with friends, they took us along. To me becoming a Mom changed my life, but that's how I was raised. To each their own, but becoming a Mom means you give up the way you once lived your life, to make sure you make their lives as great as possible.

My Saturday shopping trips with girlfriends turned into diaper runs at Sams Club, or Babies R Us for essentials for the boys -- with my mother in law. (the only one brave enough to go along) I no longer had the car we piled friends in the backseat to head to the Casino, or go to a concert -- my backseat is now occupied by an oversized diaper bag and two carseats. 

Going out for supper usually consists of either taking two adorable extra boys along, cutting up food in bite sized pieces, and ending up sharing my food because it tasted better to them than what was ordered. Staying out all night long doesn't even enter my mind. Hurrying through supper to make it home in time to get them in their own beds -- because they sleep so much better that way. Yep our weekends usually are spent riding 4-wheelers around the dining room, putting the boys to bed at 8:00, and watching a movie before we crash ourselves at 10:00. Once in awhile we find ourselves heading to the neighbors for a challenging night of Wii racing and homemade pizza, all while drinking a Pepsi to ensure I get my boys home safe... 

God gave me the greatest blessings on earth. A great husband, a wonderfully supportive family, and two healthy little boys. I no longer carry a fancy purse, usually I find myself asking "...can it hold diapers, wipes, AND sippy cups..." if it can't, it's just not going to work. My clothing selection now consists of shirts that can be thrown in the washer and dryer, and shoes that can chase after toddlers. 

The day I became a mom was the day I committed my life to them. I won't be the Mom they see having a glass of wine every night, and I'm sure someday I will most definetly not be the "cool mom". I believe in time outs. Groundings will occur, and they will be held accountable for their actions. 

They may not like me most days, but let me assure you someday they will think back to all those weekends spent with mom & dad doing things as a family. Memories that will forever be imbedded in their hearts. Just like I was brought up: if it's not in my family's best interest... It's not going to be done. 

FAMILY comes first!

An apple a day...

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! In our house, an apple a day -- keeps the boys entertained for hours!!! Pretty simple: 1) buy an apple 2) take sticker off apple 3) wash apple... 4) hand apple to kid. They take it from there.

These two love eating apples. Don't try to cut it up into pieces, Landon will just get mad at you -- it's best just to let the little turd have the whole darn thing! Today we ate an apple from 4:00 (after nap) until about 6:30. Walking around, playing -- apple in one hand. Swapping brother apples a few times, throwing that darn thing a few times across the room... Mom washes it off, and we're at it again! Skin and all, they don't care. Landon even gave his apple a little drive on his 4wheeler... it fit perfect in the cup holder.

The only problem with letting them have at it, they tend to think they can also eat other random whole foods. Just the other day, they got ahold of a potato... not as simple to eat as an apple. To be right honest about it, all we ended up with was potatoes all over the house! Oranges also have caused an issue. Landon thinks he can eat the peel and all... and he gets a bit upset with me when I peel it first...

So, if you have a 17 month old that you need to entertain for awhile -- give him an apple! After hours of eating on it, just think how much immunity he has built up.

We love raspberries too!

Baby Books...

Whoever invented baby books... You're on my "shit-list" today! 

I went to put a few important things in my hope chest for the boys today. I realized that I haven't done a great job at keeping up like the Mother of the Years would have. Who am I kidding-- the most information that is filled out happens to be what the nurses so nicely did for me in the hospital. 

It is a bit ridiculous that the creators of the baby book could seriously think a mother of one could keep up with when tooth #6 came in... Exact date. NOT to mention a mother who brought home two babies. So--- I've come to the conclusion that their needs to be a book made for mothers if multiples. Here's what it would consist of:

1) arrival time --- okay I can remember that, it's on the birth certificate!

2) weight and height! Got it...

3) fathers name and mothers name. 10-4 married him, I can tell you his name! Although, somedays remembering mine can be tricky.

4) first embarrassing blowout! Hey hey!! Now I can remember that for sure....

5) first night you were able to sleep ALL night long--- I'd never forget that, one of the best moments of my life haha Logan was 9 months old on the dot!

And that's it! That's it! Keep it simple people. Throw a photo in (one that someone else had taken of course), and wham bam, you got your memories. I don't remember the first year due to lack of sleep--- and let's be honest, if my boys want to know the exact date tooth #6 came in, well then I probably should've kept the first dirty diaper too.