Sunday, October 6, 2013

Twin Mom Fail!

Well, after an eventful night, I should be napping--- but I find myself driving home from a diaper run in the city. The sudden change in temperature has brought the wicked runny noses to our house, and with it came an all night party with yours truly! Last year at this time Dad was doing the late nights with the boys watching "west coast football" all hours of the night... Last night Landon and I just chilled singing my off pitch-half asleep versions of any nursery rhymes I could think of. After singing countless versus of "Grandpa and Daddy had a farm---- e-i- e-i-o-----and on the farm they had a..." it's been brought to my attention that we need a wider variety of animals on our farm! We can only say cows so many times.... So we sang calf, bull, cow.... And when we were sick of that song--- I glanced down and wide eyed little man starring right up at me! Darn it...still awake. Next song! On we'd go to "there was a dog who had a boy and Landon was his name-o... L.a.n.d.o.n." Well, you get my point, BUT then I accidentally mess up and say Logan instead of Landon and.... Straight up Landy sits looking around for Logan all excited. TWIN MOM FAIL! *sigh* onto the next song.....

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