Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I love having happy kids! The boys are happy about 95% of the time, and their smiles are contagious for all who see them. Tonight I was given another reminder of how two little boys already have such an amazing impact of those around them. 

A dear friend stopped by to visit the boys when we were spotted outside playing this evening. His comment was "I'm never to busy..." So up he came to see the little men. Watching our boys instantly put a smile on his face-- without saying any words... put it all into perspective. Smiles are contagious. Those smiles can make any heart smile... Even if for just a moment-- nothing else matters. In today's case all the worries in the world were taken out of his mind, and nothing remained but those never ending smiles. It's a hard week for this friend, filled with uncertainty, but as he left our yard-- he carried a photo with him of the boys. A photo showing those unending smiles, but more than that--a photo of two little boys who show us that miracles happen everyday. 

God gave us these boys when he knew not only we needed them but some very important people around us too. We need those smiles, and the happiness that they bring to a world that seems so unfair. 

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