Monday, October 14, 2013

Some of Mom...

The boys are discovery so much these days, and they continue to blow us away with what they do! At this exact moment Logan is walking around the room, and Landon is trying to stay away from him. Logan has a sock in his hand that after a good 5 minutes he finally managed to get off his foot. He is holding it straight up in the air and screaming jibberish at Landon across the room! As if they aren't funny enough--- Logan has put his sock in his mouth to carry it across the floor to Landon. In true brotherly fashion, he hands it to Landon just to take it away from him again! All these toys in the house and a sock is the best toy tonight?!?! (Christmas is going to be cheap this year) 

The newest orneriness that has occured in our house is the want to sit on the couch! Landon loves to just sit. Usually covered in blankets and a pillow he has placed behind him. Well great minds think alike and we have now figured out that our little cars make great steps to get onto the couch all by themselves. 

Another awesome discovery is peek a boo. The boys have played peek a boo for awhile but now Landon has become a pro! He will squat down in front of Dad's recliner and then stand up and giggle giggle giggle! He also grabs a blanket and puts it up and down over his face. Logan however doesn't really understand the concept. He puts his hands over his ears and then pulls them away, and proceeds to giggle. Like any good dad would, Daddy still shouts peek a boo! 

Just when I thought he was 100% his daddy, Logan does something like that and reminds me that these poor kids do have some of mom in them :)

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