Sunday, October 20, 2013

Never underestimate the power of two!

Oh, ornery boys... Boys will be boys, and mine are full of you know what! Those little monsters have figured out how to get on my couch, I've told you all that... Well, with great "reward" came lots of hard work! I have figured out what "reward" those turkeys wanted!

To paint a picture for everyone, our living room has a shadow box cut out in the wall. I have it decorated with picture frames and pretty green vine. It also happens to be within reach from the couch! Logan has been wanting so bad to get his hands on those pretty green leaves... And he knows, Mom says "NO!" (I say it awfully stern too)... Well, the other night Landon thought he'd try his hand at snagging the leaves.... I told him "NO" probably about 10 times! Finally I got up... I walk over to the little turd, and he looks at me--giggles and grabs at the leaves again! This time I said "NO!!!!!" Directly at him. (I thought I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and make sure he knew that "NO" was directed at him)

Once again, he giggles and up goes his hand to grab again!! This time I tapped his hand and said no...

Meanwhile, sitting behind him on the couch is his brother. Logan's just watching intensely--- happier than crap that it's not him getting in trouble! With every "no" I said, Logan smiled more and more... Then when I got up and walked over to Landon is when my "oh gosh moment" happened. Logan started getting all excited and pretty soon he was jumping up and down AND flapping his arms! Wow, that's when our "great" parenting tactics kicked in--- Neither Dad or Mom could keep a straight face... To be honest we laughed our butts off. Great Parenting!

This just goes to show--- yes, I've always thought Logan would give me a run for my money... But never underestimate the power of his identical twin! 

Boys- 1
Mom- 0

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, this reminds me of the grils so many years ago. They would "tag team" something they shouldn't be trying to get to or touch. And we could tell them "no no" a million times and they would just keep going, and like you and Tucker, we would usually end up laughing too....I love this blog by the way! It's so fun to hear about a mom with multiples. Back when my girls were little , there was no such thing. Keep it up, I'm sure many people love reading it! Julie
