Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Giggle Attack's Back!

I've said it before, and I'll say it 100 times more --- every day is a new adventure with these two! Today, we had an event occur that caused quite the stir at our house. Our day began normal, pancakes and milk for breakfast, with a few bananas on the side.... but as the boys begun playing-- something new happened. From the dining room, I could see Landon's shoulders go up in the air, followed by a loud gasp. Logan then started laughing. Now, as I have learned the hard way... when a giggle comes from Logan it usually means someone is up to no good! To my surprise, this however was something that could not be helped. It seemed Landon had caught the hiccups and he had himself in quite the predicament! I sat back and watched as he hiccupped and then Logan would laugh.... pretty soon Landon began to laugh also. With each little "hicc-upp" it became funnier and funnier! The giggle attack was back! Pretty soon Landon would hiccup and fall backwards laughing so hard! It was seriously one of the funniest things I have seen these two do! Landon was in complete awe trying to figure out what was going on, Logan was just laughing his little butt off! I tried to get video of this, but I was laughing so dang hard, I had tears coming down my face. After about 5 minutes of dealing with the hiccups, I got Landon some water. But, it didn't end there...
He chugged that sippy cup full of water, and I thought maybe they had passed. Out of no where, he hiccupped again and out came a whole mouth of water! That put the boys over the edge, not only were they laughing uncontrollably, the sound of little snorts could be heard clear across the house!

You see, kids really put it into perspective: you have to take great joy in the little things in life. Find something that makes you laugh everyday, for me today-- this was it! And that's what I love about being a Mom.

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