Saturday, November 30, 2013


This weekend has been a busy one... Thanksgiving, and a lot of family time spent with my sister in law who's in from out of town, oh and a certain football game that happened to occupy a good majority of our Friday afternoon. *go hawks*

My father in law, (with his never ending wisdom) has taught our genius children a very important lesson in the great game we call life. We live on the better side of the "Missouri" and with that comes a great amount of pride, respect and dignity for the game of football. This my friends, is a Hawkeye State! This football season, the boys are getting really into Dad and Grandpa hollering at the tv. They know cartoons don't belong on the tv Saturday mornings... Saturdays, they watch Gameday with Dad during breakfast --- and most afternoons are spent clapping when Dad does, and our newest trait... throwing our arms in the air when they hear touchdown! Compliments of Grandpa. Logan would make a great referee. With all his might, those arms go straight up above his head, and Landon says "TOUCHDOWN!" Smart boys -- this weekend they got a really good workout as Iowa trampled all over Nebraska. We had "touchdown" arms non-stop! Iowa boys, born and raised... (so proud)

Oh, and by the way -- I'll say it again --- Go HAWKEYES!

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