Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dumbest things

Parents say the dumbest things. It's true... I have caught myself saying some of the most bizarre things lately. Some topics that I'm not real sure parents of singles would catch themselves saying, on a daily basis at least.

 -- "It's time to go to bed, lay down and go to bed" -- yah, okay mom... like that's going to work... Here we sit (actually it's usually standing) talking back and forth about all things under the sun. The thought of you thinking we would just magically fall asleep is one of the craziest ideas that could have entered your mind. *dumb* 

-- "Landon James!!! Your brother is not a step stool!" Just because Logan is the "bigger" brother Landon seems to find it acceptable to use his build to climb onto things -- places he's not suppose to be. For instance, just the other day Landon used Logan to climb up onto the couch. Mural of this story: nothing is EVER baby proof with twins!

-- "Logan, your brother is not a toilet!" Yep, you heard me right, this little turd has gotten a reputation for soaking his brother after getting out of the bathtub. I wish I could say that it was just water... but to put it politely, if I don't get that "thing" in a diaper within a minute or two of being out of the bath -- Landon goes back in the bath tub for round 2. Compliments of his brother giving him "a shower".

And to think these are just a few instances! My list will continue....

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