Sunday, November 17, 2013

Compliments of a Ditzy Mom -- Volume 2

I'm sure you can all about imagine how hectic our house is during the day. Well, after one "not so common" mistake I made the other day... I'm a bit shy to try my hand at multi-tasking while the boys are awake. Let me give you your giggle for the day, in that latest episode of "Compliments of a Ditzy Mom" Volume 2.

First of all, I would like to say that yes... I have color treated my hair numerous times -- but at this moment it is literally growing back in blonde! My recent actions have more than reassured me of the blonde moments I truly do experience on a daily basis.

I decided to get a head start on my Christmas cards this year... the holidays come so fast, so why not?! I sat down and created a few cards online, they happened to be on sale that day -- So of course I hurried along and got them ordered. I could not decide which design I liked the best, so I order 3 separate ones. On Saturday they finally came in the mail... much to my surprise, they actually looked pretty good (considering I did them so fast) UNTIL, I noticed on one of the cards it said "Merry Christmas from The Rogers Family! *pardon my french* but oh shit!! Not only did it say the Rogers family it also listed a family of four names that were not even close to those whom live under this roof. Hello! In the process of creating these I neglected to change the family name in the layout design... oh jeez. Now, I know most of you are laughing at me -- let me tell you that is the response I recieved from not only my "loving husband" but also my in-laws... and worst of all... my parents. The people who gave birth to me, the ones who were suppose to be suportive at all times and what did I get ----- nothing but a big 'ole "oh wow Kim" followed by a flow of laughter. THANKS ALOT Mom! I'm pretty sure if the boys could read they would also be laughing at me... and from here on out, I WILL NOT attempt such important tasks in the midst of morning chaos.

So, in short. If any of my wonderful friends would like a cards from "The Rogers Family" let me know.... I will even take a Sharpie to it and write our name instead of theres.

So, Happy Holidays All!
-From The Rogers Family

Compliments of a Ditzy Mom.

1 comment:

  1. tooo funny! As a mommy of twinnies, I also did numerous things like that when they were young! But thanks to a lack of computers then, I didn't order any christmas cards from the Rogers family! But you can send us one, I think we will be able to tell who you are from the picture! Hugs!
