Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We're going ridin' ridin' ridin'...

One day with the boys and you'd have no doubt they are every bit like their daddy. 100% farm boys. This past weekend we adventured to another farm for an open house to view some show cattle. Of course the little cowboys came along. Once we "unleashed the beasts" Landon instantly went out the shed on a mission. Closely followed by his brother, out to the fence they went to see the calves. Once there--- the little stinker stood and hollered at the heifers standing dumb-founded on the other side of the fence. Now, I'm not sure what he was saying, but from the sounds of it-- he knew cattle! 

They also love to "riiiiid-em cowboy... Saddle up and let's go!" That's what the pony at grandpa's house says. They adore that rocking horse. A typical riding session consists of one boy riding, and the other close by dancing to the song... (I'll post the video on my Facebook) 

Two funny little farmers... and I wouldn't take them any other way!

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