Saturday, November 30, 2013


This weekend has been a busy one... Thanksgiving, and a lot of family time spent with my sister in law who's in from out of town, oh and a certain football game that happened to occupy a good majority of our Friday afternoon. *go hawks*

My father in law, (with his never ending wisdom) has taught our genius children a very important lesson in the great game we call life. We live on the better side of the "Missouri" and with that comes a great amount of pride, respect and dignity for the game of football. This my friends, is a Hawkeye State! This football season, the boys are getting really into Dad and Grandpa hollering at the tv. They know cartoons don't belong on the tv Saturday mornings... Saturdays, they watch Gameday with Dad during breakfast --- and most afternoons are spent clapping when Dad does, and our newest trait... throwing our arms in the air when they hear touchdown! Compliments of Grandpa. Logan would make a great referee. With all his might, those arms go straight up above his head, and Landon says "TOUCHDOWN!" Smart boys -- this weekend they got a really good workout as Iowa trampled all over Nebraska. We had "touchdown" arms non-stop! Iowa boys, born and raised... (so proud)

Oh, and by the way -- I'll say it again --- Go HAWKEYES!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dumbest things

Parents say the dumbest things. It's true... I have caught myself saying some of the most bizarre things lately. Some topics that I'm not real sure parents of singles would catch themselves saying, on a daily basis at least.

 -- "It's time to go to bed, lay down and go to bed" -- yah, okay mom... like that's going to work... Here we sit (actually it's usually standing) talking back and forth about all things under the sun. The thought of you thinking we would just magically fall asleep is one of the craziest ideas that could have entered your mind. *dumb* 

-- "Landon James!!! Your brother is not a step stool!" Just because Logan is the "bigger" brother Landon seems to find it acceptable to use his build to climb onto things -- places he's not suppose to be. For instance, just the other day Landon used Logan to climb up onto the couch. Mural of this story: nothing is EVER baby proof with twins!

-- "Logan, your brother is not a toilet!" Yep, you heard me right, this little turd has gotten a reputation for soaking his brother after getting out of the bathtub. I wish I could say that it was just water... but to put it politely, if I don't get that "thing" in a diaper within a minute or two of being out of the bath -- Landon goes back in the bath tub for round 2. Compliments of his brother giving him "a shower".

And to think these are just a few instances! My list will continue....

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New Shoe Delight #2

New Shoe Delight #2

Just the other day the boys got a new pair of shoes that were ordered offline. Two pair actually, but one pair in particular has really cause a riot at our house. Great joy in the little things... I mean, yes -- who doesn't get excited about new shoes, but these boys were beyond excited. They could hardly contain themselves seeing what had arrived. The shoes I am talking about are a dark gray color with neon orange accents -- made by Carters, and they light up! The commotion began when the boys discovered the shoes would light up when they dropped them on the ground. SO, of course that began a nice shoe throwing contest... we had shoes thrown across the room and coming from every direction. They would throw one shoe, run over-- pick it up, and proceed to throw it again. This went on for a little bit, but the real fun wasn't until the next morning.

I was getting the boys ready to leave the house, so I put on those shoes. The little turkeys proceeded to chase each other around the dining room watching each others shoes light up! Pretty soon, I saw Landon drop to the floor. He then picked up his foot and took a nice good look at that shoe... the look on his face was one of disappointment and confusion -- it wasn't lighting up anymore. I thumped the bottom of it, and once again excitement light up his face.

I love seeing their little minds working so hard to figure out the concept of what was going on... I wonder what new discovery will take place today...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Their Own Language

Wowza! 4,000 page views! I can't believe everyone finds this so interesting... I really just began this due to someone who still to this day wishes he could have had twin boys. Actually, he got 3 sons, but he REALLY wanted twin boys! So, to you sir.... I started this for you, and now I've gotten 4,000 people reading my funny/chaotic life with twins! In honor of this big milestone I will write my greatest blog yet..... here goes, your laugh for Monday ---

All the research you read on twins having their own language tells you that "no" they do not... I'm here to reassure you all that yes, ours do! Now, I'm sure you all want some cold hard facts--- well, I've been attempting to get just that but until today, all attempts have been unsuccessful. Notice I say "until today"....

The boys go to lay in their cribs at 1:00pm every afternoon. It's a habit I have instilled in them for awhile, and until today -- it's gone very well. I can't rock them both to sleep, and to be honest... I really feel like making them put themselves to sleep is the greatest thing I have ever done for myself! Last week I recorded the monitor while I sat and listened to the boys yelled for "dadda dadda dadda" for 15 minutes straight! I just laughed and laughed, they were fine, not at all upset so I let them be. They eventually laid down a took their naps. Today however, was different. It was a full moon last night, which made for an eventful day today! I put the boys down for naps, and went back downstairs... it was silent for a few minutes then I hear some conversation pick up on the monitor. So, I very silently grabbed my phone and went to check it out. The door was cracked up, and I started to record them carrying on a conversation... not sure what they were talking about... but it was sure funny. You can hear them giggle non-stop! Pretty soon, Landon caught me! And his "ohhhhh" brought their conversation to a complete hault.

Take a look at my Facebook video--- and then you tell me they don't have a language?! (If you read this and don't have Facebook -- email me at and I would love to share it with you!)

Happy Monday All!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Compliments of a Ditzy Mom -- Volume 2

I'm sure you can all about imagine how hectic our house is during the day. Well, after one "not so common" mistake I made the other day... I'm a bit shy to try my hand at multi-tasking while the boys are awake. Let me give you your giggle for the day, in that latest episode of "Compliments of a Ditzy Mom" Volume 2.

First of all, I would like to say that yes... I have color treated my hair numerous times -- but at this moment it is literally growing back in blonde! My recent actions have more than reassured me of the blonde moments I truly do experience on a daily basis.

I decided to get a head start on my Christmas cards this year... the holidays come so fast, so why not?! I sat down and created a few cards online, they happened to be on sale that day -- So of course I hurried along and got them ordered. I could not decide which design I liked the best, so I order 3 separate ones. On Saturday they finally came in the mail... much to my surprise, they actually looked pretty good (considering I did them so fast) UNTIL, I noticed on one of the cards it said "Merry Christmas from The Rogers Family! *pardon my french* but oh shit!! Not only did it say the Rogers family it also listed a family of four names that were not even close to those whom live under this roof. Hello! In the process of creating these I neglected to change the family name in the layout design... oh jeez. Now, I know most of you are laughing at me -- let me tell you that is the response I recieved from not only my "loving husband" but also my in-laws... and worst of all... my parents. The people who gave birth to me, the ones who were suppose to be suportive at all times and what did I get ----- nothing but a big 'ole "oh wow Kim" followed by a flow of laughter. THANKS ALOT Mom! I'm pretty sure if the boys could read they would also be laughing at me... and from here on out, I WILL NOT attempt such important tasks in the midst of morning chaos.

So, in short. If any of my wonderful friends would like a cards from "The Rogers Family" let me know.... I will even take a Sharpie to it and write our name instead of theres.

So, Happy Holidays All!
-From The Rogers Family

Compliments of a Ditzy Mom.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We're going ridin' ridin' ridin'...

One day with the boys and you'd have no doubt they are every bit like their daddy. 100% farm boys. This past weekend we adventured to another farm for an open house to view some show cattle. Of course the little cowboys came along. Once we "unleashed the beasts" Landon instantly went out the shed on a mission. Closely followed by his brother, out to the fence they went to see the calves. Once there--- the little stinker stood and hollered at the heifers standing dumb-founded on the other side of the fence. Now, I'm not sure what he was saying, but from the sounds of it-- he knew cattle! 

They also love to "riiiiid-em cowboy... Saddle up and let's go!" That's what the pony at grandpa's house says. They adore that rocking horse. A typical riding session consists of one boy riding, and the other close by dancing to the song... (I'll post the video on my Facebook) 

Two funny little farmers... and I wouldn't take them any other way!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A bugs life....

After the boys go to bed at night, I finally get a little relaxing time... And some good 'ole husband time. No boys climbing on our legs trying to get on the couch. No boys crying over a spoon they took away from Mom... just a nice quiet time. 

Tonight however, we spent awhile doing what every great parent does--- picking up toys. Just so that we don't step on a puzzle piece at 6am, or stub our toes on a set of cars. 

Speaking of puzzles--- Our boys have become very interested in puzzles lately. Logan especially. He sits and plays with puzzles often throughout his day--- very tediously putting puzzle pieces in stacks and moving them around to different locations. Landon loves to just throw things, including puzzle pieces! Soooo, to sum things up, we had puzzle pieces everywhere! 

My lovely husband and I spent our night under the couch and table--- moving pillows--- and unpacking toy boxes; all in search for a cow, duck, and caterpillar that went missing today. But, have no fear... All the animals have been returned to the barn puzzle. Sadly, Somewhere in this house tonight lies a bug... a bug that has lost its way. A bug that belongs with all the other Melissa&Doug bug puzzle pieces... That bug's had a rough day-- a run in with a ornery little boy, possibly thrown numerous times, then landing who knows where in this house. Say a little prayer that this little wooden bug was lucky enough to land safe and sound somewhere, and that he managed to avoid a trip over top the baby gate...with two always hungry dogs on the other side.