Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Today I was rummaging through a few boxes and found some of the items from my baby shower. I wanted to share with everyone some advice I was given by some of the best moms I know. Each and every one of them are unbelievably strong, loving mothers-- that I truly look up to. Here goes:

--- breathe! There will be stressful times, but breathe and know "this too shall pass"! Enjoy & love them!
- Wow, if this one isn't so true! I don't know how many times I just stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. All those sleepless nights, seemed so long at the time, but looking back, they went fast!

--- relax!! 
- exactly! Nothing gets a baby more worked up than a worked up mom. As my husband always says, an animal can tell when you are nervous. I'd say the same is true for babies. Relax and everything goes so much smoother. 

--- always, always, always remember the love that created your precious gifts. Sing to your babies, hug them tightly, and never have a day go by when you don't tell them I love you.

- how true this is! I'm that crazy mom, and to be honest-- dad is the crazy dad-- that sings to our kids. My songs of course are a bit more appropriate lullabies, but none the less 100% off key and wonderful! My boys hug, they even give kisses--- to anyone with open arms! One thing's for sure, our kids know they are loved. They hear it more than enough that someday they will be annoyed by it, just how I want it!

---Laugh! When the babies are crying and you're tired and stressed find something to laugh about. Parenting is hard and you have to remember it's fun.
- So many times during this "ride" of being parents of twins all we could do was laugh. Some of the things that happen to us are completely out of this world. The explosive diaper at the doctors office, totally embarrassing -- but a complete comic event! (just like when we found out we were having two -- all we could do was laugh)

---Take time for your family, and don't worry about cleaning. They grow too fast.
- The first few months especially, my house was clean thanks to my husband, my mother in law & mother. I had nothing to do with it! I was busy with my babies, and to this day -- if the dishes are in the sink, and its a nice day out... the dishes don't get done. It's our house and we have priorities, our family.

And finally, the best advice I think... comes from my own mom...
--- Patience... not only for the boys, but for yourself. Remember to always love & cherish the family you have.
- Patience has kept me alive these past 20 months. Although, being patient to myself has been a tough one. Without our family I'm not sure how we would have made it. My sisters always a phone call away for advice, and to be reminded to breath... my mom and mother in law stepping up to help in any and everyway they could... my sister in law for doing some VERY long nights with Dad while I was sick... and especially my husband, for being the rock of our family.

I heard lots of advice throughout my pregnancy, but really -- it was trial and error with twins. I had to do what worked for us. Must be doing something right, we've all managed to survive 20 months and counting!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Springtime! Routine Change.

It's officially Springtime! The planter is in the field which means our schedule gets rocked a little bit.

The boys and I usually take lunch to the field every day to feed their dad. I've got it down to a science really--- I've done this since they were itty bitty babies! During harvest and planting lunch gets started at 10:45--- so that by 11:15 the boys are eating, while I pack up Dad's portions to take to the field. By the time I'm done with that, I clean up the boys and we head to the car! We arrive at the field usually around 12:00 sharp! (however, I do have a 10 minute leeway--- I tell myself that's 5 minutes per kid) 

Depending on the day, dad will either stop and sit in the car to have lunch with us or he'll grab it and keep on keeping on! By the time we are back from the field, it's diaper changes and nap time! 

It's all about a system. Some people think I'm crazy--- but, it works for us and I know that dad gets a good meal, just in case he doesn't make it in early for supper. The boys still see dad everyday. I make breakfast every morning! Scrambled eggs and ham, that's dad and the boys time!

So, tonight here I sit. Outside on my deck, in my big comfy chair he got me last week. (Spoiled-- I know! But, it reminds me that I'm appreciated) I got the boys in bed, my workout in, and now for the first time all day: some quiet time. Just me, my chair, and the sound of the planter just down the road. Nothing beats this time of year, and nothing like living on the farm! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Just hold a baby!

In just a few weeks some friends will be welcoming a set of twins into their lives, and I have been asked lots of questions! 

Sometimes the simplest tasks are the hardest when you have twins in the home. I honestly don't remember showering those first few months--- I know I had to of, but not sure when or how I fit that in! The most important thing I tell families expecting twins is take the help! When someone offers to come help with the babies, take them up on it! 

I'll never forget one perticular Saturday morning shortly after the boys were born. The boys and I were on our own that morning after dad left to do chores, and grandma hadn't arrived yet...It was a tough morning--- both boys wanted held, and on that day, neither boy wanted to be held with each other. My emotions were sky high (just imagine all those hormones I had for 38 weeks and then boom, I had nothing) I was on the verge of tears when I heard a voice yell from downstairs. Our neighbor stopped by to see the boys, and I heard the greatest words I could have heard at that moment--- "can I help hold a baby". YES! Yes! Yes! As a mother of two the best thing anyone could do for me was to just hold one. She to this day probably doesn't realize how much I needed her that morning, and how just "holding a baby" helped ease my worries.  

So, my plea to everyone who knows someone expecting multiples is this -- please, if you say during the pregnancy you will come help, follow through. It's so very important to have a strong support team during those first few months. Pick up the phone and call to see if you can come hold a baby for them. In my case some adult conversation is all I needed. 

You never know when you'll show up right when you're needed--- and to my neighbor, thanks for coming to "just hold a baby"!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The newest mishap...

The greatest privledge of being a stay at home mom with twins is seeing all the orneriness unfold right before your eyes. Now, I know those who know us personally could never imagine how two people such as ourselves could possibly create two little boys who would be anything but complete angels. I'm a bit baffled also! But--- it happened, and each and every day they do something else that makes me turn my head and laugh. Here's the best "mishap" from our day.

I was changing a diaper on brother A, when brother B seemed to have disappeared out of sight. From the dining room I hear a "woosh woosh" sound... I instantly knew what madness was unfolding while Logan was unattended. It wasn't the wipes container that I had anticipated but even better--- the Kleenex box! So, I shoved them all back in the box--- put them on the dining room table, and thought, oh well! Wasn't that bad. 

Fast forward a few hours---

I am now changing brother B's diaper and Landon was playing on the deck. (No worries it's gated in, and the patio door is open so they come and go as they please) After spending a lot of time this afternoon picking up the yard, I was a bit baffled when I saw white trash all over it. Upon further investigation I discovered those white pieces were in fact the same Kleenexs that I had placed on the table! I look to the dining room and sure enough I see a little red 4wheeler parked next to it... 

What a turd! If you need me, I'll be chasing little pieces of Kleenex around the yard! How many come in a box anyway?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Last weekend I had my usual adventure to get diapers, wipes, snacks, etc. At that magical "club" they have carts with two seats. I have mixed emotions about those carts. It's either thier way of saying "moms of multiples welcome" OR (and that's a big or) "put your two babies in here--- you're gonna need the room down below for the $150+ you're about to spend on 'items' you can only buy in mass quantities here".

We proceed to walk around the store, and as I'm standing in the diaper aisle... With two boxes already having found their spot in my cart--- I hear one of those unbearably horrible remarks from across the isle. "Oh twins! Two for the price of one, huh?!" 

Seriously! I have over 300 diapers in my cart that will last a month... Two little monsters strapped in the front chewing down on the cheese sticks I had to buy them to keep them entertained--- and am staring at the $20 box of baby wipes, trying to tell myself it's better than the alternative of a wet washcloth--- and all you can think to say is "two for the price of one!" 

The first and only time I would have rather heard "oh are they twins"...