Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Children's Museum

Today the boys and I adventured to the Children's Museum for our second time. For all of those who wonder age wise what is appropriate I'd say crawling stage to maybe 1st grade. Last visit we played in the infant area, and had a lot of fun-- but this time we are at the walking stage, which made EVERY area fun. 

Today brought a special event at the museum. Santa was visiting! Along with his jolly elf and good friend the Winter Queen-- Santa landed in Omaha. We first had to make it snow with our magical powers, and with the help of the Winter Queen. So fun! It snowed inside!! Next Santa came down the chimney! Really-- straight down the chimney. (Video posted to Facebook) we waited in line and got to visit with Santa one on one. (or in our case 2 on 1) photos were taken and we got a special package for "our first visit with Santa".

From riding the carousel to crawling in the metro bus and semi at their special exhibit--- today was full of adventure. The best part about it... It was safe, not too overwhelming for the boys -- and we were able to stay for just few hours, not the whole day. So everyone if you haven't before, you must go check it out. Pretty inexpensive, and sooo much learning fun!

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