Sunday, December 8, 2013


It's the most wonderful time of the year! Come to think of it our entire year has been wonderful... Some exciting times. 

2013 brought our wedding in July, and Landon's first unofficial marriage ceremony. For those who missed it-- Landon married us. Really! He was being held by his Uncle (the best man) and pulled on his daddy's tux collar to get a better view... Choking his Dad and putting his two-cents into the service. This was after the little turkeys went through a growth spurt and couldn't fit into the dress shoes we bought them. So, they wore socks. ( I was kind of jealous to be honest) A question I was asked was, "how did you get married with two 9 month olds?" 

My mom was 100% on top of planning, and I did most all the decorations and flowers during nap time everyday. Nap time is the trick to get anything done in this house. We had a few other tricks that worked for us the day of the wedding--- that made it go so smooth. 

1) The boys "uncles" held them up front during the ceremony, and both of the guys had their tux pockets full of puff snacks. Great idea!
2) my in laws kept them the night before and made sure they had a nap before they came to the church. A nap is a necessity! 
3) at the reception we had a babysitter who pretty much just chased them around. They were passed around a lot by family and friends, but this girl saved us... She had her eye on the boys at all times. She and her sister also took the boys home from the reception and put them to bed. Couldn't have done it without them!
4) when you get married with young kids, you've got to set your mind to the fact that something is probably not going to go as planned... Once I had myself convinced of that, the little stuff didn't bother me. 

Our boys are the best examples of the love we have for eachother. What a big year! 2012 was the year we became a family, but 2013 was the year our house truly felt like a home. The "Tibken" Home. 

Then came August......... 

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