Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One of those days!

Everyone has those days. The kind of days that nothing seems to be going right. Today started out as one of those for me. I started my morning out eventfully--- I cleaned out my fridge. Got it all shining and then... spilled orange juice all over! Little did I know, Logan was watching from the gate seperating the kitchen from the dining room. Instantly he started laughing! Thanks buddy--- here I thought I was safe from pointing in laughing when your dad walked out the door 5 minutes ago--- but never fear, Logan has A LOT of his daddy in him. Including laughing at mom! I proceeded to try to pick up some toys-- got them all put away, and moved on to the next room... To turn around and find the previous room in it's previous state... Thanks again boys! The afternoon comes, the boys and I are heading out to the car and I put Landon in his seat, and go to put Logan in his--- and somehow Landon is now in the seat I intended on putting Logan in... What seemed to have happened was, I put Landon in his seat, walked around the car--- got side tracked and walked back around the car again to put Logan in.

 I've got my hands full everyday, but today I obviously had my mind full too! Tonight I came home from town and found the boys out of control--- crazy!!! They were SO happy, so we played a little more before bed time and they both just laughed and laughed, it was at that moment I realized... No matter how many things in my life has or will go wrong, I look into the eyes of my kids, and with the sound of their happiness--- I know that I got something perfectly right. Once again, at the end of the day, that's all that matters! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Children's Museum

Today the boys and I adventured to the Children's Museum for our second time. For all of those who wonder age wise what is appropriate I'd say crawling stage to maybe 1st grade. Last visit we played in the infant area, and had a lot of fun-- but this time we are at the walking stage, which made EVERY area fun. 

Today brought a special event at the museum. Santa was visiting! Along with his jolly elf and good friend the Winter Queen-- Santa landed in Omaha. We first had to make it snow with our magical powers, and with the help of the Winter Queen. So fun! It snowed inside!! Next Santa came down the chimney! Really-- straight down the chimney. (Video posted to Facebook) we waited in line and got to visit with Santa one on one. (or in our case 2 on 1) photos were taken and we got a special package for "our first visit with Santa".

From riding the carousel to crawling in the metro bus and semi at their special exhibit--- today was full of adventure. The best part about it... It was safe, not too overwhelming for the boys -- and we were able to stay for just few hours, not the whole day. So everyone if you haven't before, you must go check it out. Pretty inexpensive, and sooo much learning fun!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Wired Boy = Exhausted Mom

I have NEVER seen a little boy with more spunk than Landon had today. He woke me up this morning with a very loud "Woah woah woah!!!" I open his bedroom door and standing in the corner of his crib is the ornery little boy with his hands in the air. What was he doing you might ask.... Same thing he does every morning--- Trying to wake up Logan! On a typical day I will find his lullaby bear thrown out of his bed--- and half way to Logan's crib.... Today was no different, but he also was playing the drums on the side of his crib! And this was at 7:30AM...

As the day went on he just got more and more 'wired'. (You would think we had swapped out his milk for his daddy's Dew.) Tonight really put my day into perspective with how crazy he had been. I finally caught ahold of Landon after he took off across the house with his prized possession--- Moms glasses! Pinned him to the ground to find the source of my burning nose... Logan took over the silliness and was spinning circles around and around and around. At the same time I spotted the smell and Landon's diaper was getting changed. He was rolling rolling rolling... Unable to lay still. Just then Logan lost his balance and on to his brother he came. Someone was watching over me though--- 2 seconds sooner and we'd have had a BIG mess to clean up! 

Both boys are in bed now--- if they don't sleep good after that day, it's hopeless! This Mom is going to bed--- having twins is just plain exhausting some days. Today was one of those days.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


It's the most wonderful time of the year! Come to think of it our entire year has been wonderful... Some exciting times. 

2013 brought our wedding in July, and Landon's first unofficial marriage ceremony. For those who missed it-- Landon married us. Really! He was being held by his Uncle (the best man) and pulled on his daddy's tux collar to get a better view... Choking his Dad and putting his two-cents into the service. This was after the little turkeys went through a growth spurt and couldn't fit into the dress shoes we bought them. So, they wore socks. ( I was kind of jealous to be honest) A question I was asked was, "how did you get married with two 9 month olds?" 

My mom was 100% on top of planning, and I did most all the decorations and flowers during nap time everyday. Nap time is the trick to get anything done in this house. We had a few other tricks that worked for us the day of the wedding--- that made it go so smooth. 

1) The boys "uncles" held them up front during the ceremony, and both of the guys had their tux pockets full of puff snacks. Great idea!
2) my in laws kept them the night before and made sure they had a nap before they came to the church. A nap is a necessity! 
3) at the reception we had a babysitter who pretty much just chased them around. They were passed around a lot by family and friends, but this girl saved us... She had her eye on the boys at all times. She and her sister also took the boys home from the reception and put them to bed. Couldn't have done it without them!
4) when you get married with young kids, you've got to set your mind to the fact that something is probably not going to go as planned... Once I had myself convinced of that, the little stuff didn't bother me. 

Our boys are the best examples of the love we have for eachother. What a big year! 2012 was the year we became a family, but 2013 was the year our house truly felt like a home. The "Tibken" Home. 

Then came August......... 

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Christmas is upon us, and since I sent out 50 cards-- most of which went to close family, I thought I would share with you all my Christmas letter. Merry Christmas!

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through our house not a child was sleeping  both were screaming about! The stockings pulled down, from the shelf with great cheer knowing Santa would come whether they’ve been good or naughty this year. The boys were nestled, under piles of toys and making a whole lot of noise! And I in my shirt covered with “crap” while dad dosed on the couchtaking a little nap. When out in the kitchen, arose such a clatter Jax and Mia were both a pitter patter I sprang from the floor to see what was the matter! The baby gate wide open, the child had escaped!!! Oh me oh my, this must be a mistake! Away to the back door, I flew like a flashin hopes I could catch him before he dashed. With a wink of his eye, so ornery and quick I knew rightaway Christmas would be a trick. More rapid than eagles they’ve grown this year, and bring us more joy and even some tears. God gave us a gift of two to enjoy, two brothers, but also two ORNERY little boys! To the top of the stairs they can already climb, who knows what they’ll be able to do in time. So onto our knees we pray everynight, that God looks over our family with a guiding light. As for all those around us, this Christmas season we remind you to make Christ the reason.



From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and God’s greatest blessings for 2014!