Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Without power...

So here I sit, where I'm guessing every twin mom of two year olds sits at 8:00 at night--- by the door of the bedroom. Why? Simply because there is always that ornery twin, you know the one-- the one whom thinks the rules don't apply to him. The one who'd leap out of his bed and into his brothers without any consideration. The one who's been caught playing drums on the side of the crib his twin brother is asleep in... And yes, the one who greets his brother every morning with a big 'ole jump in his bed! There's one in every bunch. Tonight may have been a little tough to calm down for bedtime compared to most. Tonight under this roof we got to experience our first power outage with these two. One might ask, how do you keep a set of toddlers entertained, in the dark-- without power. Well... I'm about to tell you. 

The top 4 items to have with twins in a power outage (or an alien invasion maybe)

#4 -- a doc McStuffins checkup center... Why? After turning off the "checkup light" time and time again: you'll be glad you've got that little glow when you find yourself searching for all the light up toys that have functioning batteries. In most cases, the only working batteries in the house. 
#3 -- a clubhouse
That dryer box that has been the source of constant entertainment for a few weeks now... Comes equipped with not a single thing that needs a power source. Thus making it a complete success as an emergency entertainment system. 
#2 -- flashlights
Ahh yes. Not for the need to look around, but solely for entertainment purposes. The first 15 minutes is just the "aww" factor of I have control of something that lights up... After the new has worn off, then you can show them how it shines on the ceiling.... Wowww, and then the icing on the cake would come with making munching shadows on the wall.

All these things are wonderful, but the greatest item to have with the lights out:
#1 -- light up boots! Those dorky boots my husband has been calling "moon boots" -- not only are they great entertainment for the boys, they make fantastic tracking devices! Good luck trying to lose your kids with a pair of those bad boys on. 

So, about an hour and half later, lights came on! There we were celebrating the success of our power outage survival skills... Up jumps Logan, runs to the light switch and shuts it off: I'd say, that's a win!

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