Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Protecting Jake

Oh the struggles of being 2...

Today in the mail the boys recieved cards from their grandparents. Just a little special valentine card sign with love by Grandpa and Grandma. The boys' love for cards hasn't changed, they were so excited to see that Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates was on the front of one, and Alvin & the Chipmunks cover the front of the other. Alvin used to be the boys favorite. They'd sit in their swings and watch Alvin all hours of the night-- eventually falling asleep. Alvin, Theodore, and Simon seriously are half the reason I have my sanity. I know what you're thinking, and yes-- according to medical professionals I am still "sane". Well, today was a different story. Tonight Logan started out sharing his Jake card, but soon I found him running throughout the house in an attempt to keep it out of the hands of his brother. I guess something's in life are so important-- you can't possibly risk it getting into the wrong care. In Logan's defense, Landon is awfully rough on stuff. Logan searched desperately for a hidden location in which he brother wouldn't touch it. First he started out by sitting in between my legs as I cooked supper. Next he tried to put it under his plate. He finally came to the conclusion that he was going to have to guard that pirate both day and night---

Speaking of night, that Jake card is temporarily stowed under the blanket, in the bed of it's 30 pound security guard. 

Rest peacefully little man, because tomorrow the "war" will continue... That's 
tough life of being a 2 year old twin.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bedtime Bandit

Time: 8:54pm and I find myself laying quietly on the floor of the bedroom I put two little boys down to sleep in 1 hour ago. Thanks to my bedtime bandit I'm missing out on the best night of television all week. Haha, so her I am -- after coming back up the stairs 6ish times. I've been pondering my next plan of attack, and I think I may have the answer.... But first, let me just say that this "idea" is officially copyrighted-- (yes, it's that great)

I need a motion detecter that will set off a recording of my voice saying, "get back in bed!!" Genius! See that's all it takes, Landon, get back in bed. Landon, get back in bed. *5 minutes later* landon, get back in bed. Now, I'm afraid this little invention of mine would need to be used often, so the best scenario in my opinion is to make it solar power chargeable. So as it is saying "get back in bed" during naptime... It is also soaking up the sun and getting powered up for the night shift. Just some food for thought.

Today was another "burr cold" day according to Logan, so we stayed cooped up inside. This past week we have got between 12"-16" of snowfall, and winter's chill came along with it. We've gotten in a little snow play time outside, and their feelings about the white stuff have changed! Logan no longer cries by the thought of it touching his boots, and he also has managed to learn to walk in the stuff! His favorite thing is eating the snow, and it's our hope that he continues to eat just the white kind. 

Landon of course has always been a
Snow fan. His love continues, and he has the need for speed. Flying down the side hill on the sled is his favorite activity and the smile on his face is priceless. He doesn't however like to keep his gloves on, they're just to difficult to maneuver in. 

---- this blog was my way of having a baby storybook for the boys. Someday I hope they enjoy it as much as you all- and I felt it was appropriate to write about the first true love for snow! Tomorrow is suppose to be 40 degrees, so I challenge everyone to get outside and be a kid again... There's just nothing like the wonder of winter. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


A special blog for a very special family member. I felt it only fitting-- after such a big day, that I introduce everyone to Landon's best buddy, 'ole pal... "Cow". Or as he says it... "Tow".
Cow is the fluffy four legged ball of softness that can usually be found tucked under the arm of Landon. Not to confuse him with Logan's black cow, Landon's has brown spots... And he knows the difference! Cow is super soft, and is beginning to bald in his old age. He's been in the family since the boys' 1st birthday, and has been loved every day since. On trips to grandma and grandpa's house, outside to play, and he's even had pancakes for breakfast. He gets snuggled in every night, and takes up half the bed! 

Today cow went on a big adventure. I started prepping Landon yesterday, telling him cow needed a bath. First thing this morning, Landon took him to the bathtub. Well, I thought he was mentally prepared... So down the stairs we went and we loaded him in the washer. The next hour was the longest hour of Landon's life. Pictures tell the story.... So here it is. 

Wowza... He survived but he'll probably never let him go again. One thing's for sure--- this boy knows what love is. 

Mission accomplished.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Partner in crime

Double the giggles, double the grins, and double the trouble! 

DURING NAPS---Landon has been caught numerous times messing around with toys when he's been told to stay in his bed. Today I realized that Logan isn't as innocent as we once thought. He was caught red handed having Landon doing the dirty work helping him smuggle toys into his bed. On the monitor I hear some not so quiet whispering.. Which can only mean one thing: somebody's up to no good!

Low and behold, I catch Landon out of bed again, but wait... Logan's still in his BUT-- he's pointing to which toys he needs Landon to get him! See, there's the difference between the boys. Landon doesn't care if he gets caught. In fact in most cases he giggles and runs back to bed. Logan however is smart enough he knows Landon will get the blame. 

Oh Lord, please help us as we raise these two little partners in crime!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


The pressures of a stay at home mom, they're just ridiculous! I'm sorry to inform you all that I am not awesome. So, sometimes I feel as if I need a posted warning sign at the door.... Actually, maybe it should be a full disclaimer. 

----------------- disclaimer ------------------

Congratulations. You've officially made it to the door which means-- you've most likely met our welcoming committee. Never mind the rodents in the yard, those kisses you received from our pups were your official "howdy". You won't walk into our place and find crystal clear windows. You may not have a chair to sit in right away. Heck, you may not even have a safe place to sit your coffee. Instead what you'll find is a house with a mom who loves her family more than life itself. You'll see two happy kids running around most likely without shirts on. You'll find finger prints adorning the windows like those beautiful clings you can find at the store. The laundry will be done, but don't plan on seeing it folded and put away. It most likely has been folded, but it's been rearranged since. That thing sitting in my dining room, it's called a treadmill, in other words-- the laundry catcher.

 Don't expect a skinny fit soccer mom. Our mom's a farm kid mom with mud boots at the door, a roast in the crockpot, and droppings of popcorn scattered throughout. Please don't set your beverage down, because once it's out of your hands-- it's officially free game. In fact, expect for a tug at your jeans saying "ppeeeaasssee". Don't be rude, Mom's teaching us how to share and you can too. 

Our mom runs on two things. Laughter and love. Dad runs on three things: laughter, love, and Mountain Dew. We're twin boys if you can't handle tractors, cows, and boogers-- this ain't the place to visit. We burp, and giggle at the table, but always fold our hands to pray. We believe in God. We believe in miracles-- simply because we see it first hand. If you don't -- please find your way back to the car. 

We bounce on the couch, have been caught dancing on the table-- and have found ourselves in time out a time or two. 

Hugs are a must, but be prepared for the kisses. If I lick you, it's probably because I just got a kiss from my dogs. It's best that you don't think about that one. If you smell something a little funny, please by our guest! I'll retrieve a diaper from the drawer, but bring along the wipes for the special door prize! 

Welcome to our crazy, sometimes out-of-control home. There's a good chance we've got cookies in the oven, but hands off, those are the one things-- we don't share. Enter at your own risk, and be sure to shield yourself because yes, we play ball in the house. 

Come on in! We're always looking for someone to read a story with... Most likely from the view atop your shoulders.

-Landon & Logan

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Treasure hunting....

I am learning very quickly that every day is a new "treasure hunt" with these two. So, here's my top 10 treasure hunts to date. 

#10 -- sippy cups. I absolutely dread these things getting lost. Most the time the boys know exactly where they are, and they will surface when they need a drink. BUT, if you go hunting for them yourself, you can about guarantee they'll be in the smallest hiding place possible.

#9 -- remote control. Oh, this one is a favorite hide and seek item. 9 times out of 10 it can be found shoved down in between the cushions of the couch, but the second best guess would be the bottom of the toy box.

#8 -- the singing toy. When the boys go down for nap, it's pretty peaceful... until the curse of the annoying toy returns. It typically is the creepy remote control car that drives itself, or a singing book that got shoved, you know where --- the toy box. It's your mission (if you dare) to find that book before the sounds of The Wheels on the Bus drives you straight to the nut house.

#7 -- the 4th shoe. It's highly important to always find 4 shoes before you even attempt to put on the first pair, on the first kid. Why you might ask.. because if you don't have two full sets of shoes, a meltdown will happen. The yellow shoes Logan has on better be the same yellow shoes Landon wants to wear. Don't even think you can get away with them wearing separate styles, I pick and choose my battles, and that's one I don't want to fight-- ever again. So if a certain shoe happens to disappear you can just plan on not wearing that style until it's found.

#6 -- socks. Every mom's nightmare. I'm not sure if my washer or dryer eats them, but it's just short of a miracle if I get a load of laundry folded without a 'single' remaining.

#5 -- stocking caps. How in the world we can have about a dozen stocking caps but when we are in a rush to go somewhere, we can't find a single one... (and we need 2!!)

#4 -- the crayon. I've always colored right along side of the boys -- for the simple fact that I don't want to write a blog someday about taking crayon off my furniture, or walls. Recently, a red crayon has turned up missing. I've looked high and low -- and it has yet to be found. Please say a prayer for my couch that I find it before my ornery little Landon does....

#3 -- diapers. Of course it's never the clean diapers that come up missing... it's the one that my Logan has decided for whatever reason he doesn't need to wear anymore. The hunt is on. AND it's an even bigger hunt because you're not exactly sure what treasure will await you when you do find it!

#2 -- my cell phone. My little helper who puts everything away, is pretty darn good at finding mom's phone. On the table, the floor, the chair... not where it's suppose to be. Sooo, into the toy box it usually goes. I have enough issues keeping track of my phone without the help of a size 8 foot running away with it. After months of this dilemma, I've found a secret code to assist in this treasure hunt. Or maybe I should call it a secret song. When anyone calls my phone it sings "do you wanna build a snowman...." WINNING! Thanks to Disney, and a slight love for the movie Frozen, my phone is found instantly and brought right to me. Every. Single. Time.

#1 -- the classic plastic toy. The best treasure hunt I've ever been on occurred last night. The vent cover fell off our kitchen vent, and I noticed Landon threw a plastic toy down it. Soooo... last night I purchased a "vent retrieval kit" from the hardware store. (yes, they do make these -- which means, I'm not the first mom to go hunting down the vent) During the process I found 3 socks (remember those I thought the washer ate), a single toddler shoe (are you kidding me? when did that make the trip down the vent?) not 1 but 2 plastic toys! oh -- and a old book that must've been down there for years -- years! It's a very old and brittle kids book.  

Soooo... as you can see, every day holds a new treasure hunt. BUT, if you're lucky the treasure that is found -- is one you've been searching for! If anyone knows of a treasure map to help cut down on my hunting hours, please let me know. Until then -- keep your eyes peeled for that red crayon!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Without power...

So here I sit, where I'm guessing every twin mom of two year olds sits at 8:00 at night--- by the door of the bedroom. Why? Simply because there is always that ornery twin, you know the one-- the one whom thinks the rules don't apply to him. The one who'd leap out of his bed and into his brothers without any consideration. The one who's been caught playing drums on the side of the crib his twin brother is asleep in... And yes, the one who greets his brother every morning with a big 'ole jump in his bed! There's one in every bunch. Tonight may have been a little tough to calm down for bedtime compared to most. Tonight under this roof we got to experience our first power outage with these two. One might ask, how do you keep a set of toddlers entertained, in the dark-- without power. Well... I'm about to tell you. 

The top 4 items to have with twins in a power outage (or an alien invasion maybe)

#4 -- a doc McStuffins checkup center... Why? After turning off the "checkup light" time and time again: you'll be glad you've got that little glow when you find yourself searching for all the light up toys that have functioning batteries. In most cases, the only working batteries in the house. 
#3 -- a clubhouse
That dryer box that has been the source of constant entertainment for a few weeks now... Comes equipped with not a single thing that needs a power source. Thus making it a complete success as an emergency entertainment system. 
#2 -- flashlights
Ahh yes. Not for the need to look around, but solely for entertainment purposes. The first 15 minutes is just the "aww" factor of I have control of something that lights up... After the new has worn off, then you can show them how it shines on the ceiling.... Wowww, and then the icing on the cake would come with making munching shadows on the wall.

All these things are wonderful, but the greatest item to have with the lights out:
#1 -- light up boots! Those dorky boots my husband has been calling "moon boots" -- not only are they great entertainment for the boys, they make fantastic tracking devices! Good luck trying to lose your kids with a pair of those bad boys on. 

So, about an hour and half later, lights came on! There we were celebrating the success of our power outage survival skills... Up jumps Logan, runs to the light switch and shuts it off: I'd say, that's a win!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

If you give a mouse a cookie

I feel like my life with the boys could be a children's book. Not just any books, it'd be one of the "if you give a mouse a cookie" type books! Here's an example of what a book wrote about today would be like.

If you give a kid a cup of juice, he's going to ask for a snack. You'll go to the cabinet to get a snack, and he'll see a cake mix... So he's going to want to bake a cake. When you're baking a cake, he's going to see the sink of dishes, so he's going to want to try his hand at washing them.... As he's washing, he'll realize he's spilled some water on his pants--- so he's going to need to take them off. At that point he realizes he needs a new diaper too, so he'll strip down and head to the bathroom to go on the big boy potty. Once he's in there, he'll see the toliet paper and decide it needs to go in the toliet bowl. He'll proceed to find himself washing his hands once again, and catch a glimpse of his brother snacking on a chip by the sink. And if he sees a chip, he's probably going to want a drink to wash it down. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

That last laugh...will belong to mom

See the problem with having twin boys is we are at the stage that everything is funny. This morning when Landon was dancing on top of the dining room table, the echo of mom in the background yelling for him to get down was just a figment of his imagination. On the floor standing next to the table you can find his brother giggling his butt off. Finding his dancing skills exceptionally groovy today, Logan suddenly got the beat and up the chair he climbed. As a mom, how can you possibly discipline (with a straight face) the two little blondes dancing their hearts out, giggling along with the Hot Dog Song... thank you Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. To answer my own question, I didn't. Instead I did the next best thing -- I joined in. If we had neighbors I'm sure their favorite part of the day would be window watching these two.

Tonight I had the boys in the bath tub, which is always a "trip". Landon was at an all time high of being ornery tonight, and it got him in a bit of trouble... or should have. He was taking the cup, filling it with water and dumping it--- out of the tub. I quickly found myself yelling "Landon-- do it again and you're getting out!" However, my mind wanted to thank him for helping to clean the floor. Because of his water outside the tub, my bathroom floor got scrubbed down tonight... and let's be honest -- that doesn't happen too often. Landon takes bath time pretty seriously, so he quickly stopped. BUT, in true twin fashion -- where one leaves off, the other picks up. "Logan -- do it again and you're getting out!" This time deep belly giggles came from both boys. Oh, they're funny alright. I ask again, how do you discipline them when they do something like that?!

Here's my answer. My phone. See my phone can easily record all the moments of their childhood that may someday cause some red cheeks from embarrassment. Bathing with his brother in the bathtub, dancing to mickey mouse on the table...... keep up the silliness my sweet little boys. For someday, you'll be teenagers and mom might just get that last laugh.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas with toddlers

There are no greater joys in parenting than having kids on Christmas morning. The magic of Christmas is something that can be felt through the smiles that appear on your kids’ faces. Smiles from the simple things such as the Mickey Mouse stickers that were found inside a little red stocking embroidered with his name… simpler things like the fruit snacks found deeper inside that same stocking. You know the ones, the same kind they’d have nearly every day for lunch if you’d let them. Toddlers are the best! Logan was sooo excited to find he got a new “Jake and the pirates” shirt, but he was quickly side tracked when he realized he had to have a diaper change before he could wear it. He quickly found his way behind the couch, hoping that he may have magically became faster than his mom overnight… all to avoid having to lay still for the whooping 10 seconds it takes to change that diaper! Yes, the joys of Christmas. A small Pringles can that Landon quickly ate a few out of, and then accidently spilled on the floor--- ah, I’m pretty sure he feels one of the best benefits of having a brother is knowing another Pringles can was sitting around that house somewhere. He quickly determined Logan didn’t need them and managed to eat his whole can, then went back for the leftovers of his own on the floor, that kid—never a dull moment. All the while Logan sat opening all of his and Landon’s wrapped packages. Even playing field if you ask me… Logan opens the gifts, Landon eats the snacks.

Our house was probably much the same as many of you reading this. However, having only the boys – we tend to buy a few presents for them to enjoy “together”. Peacefully together, just like in commercials on tv. Siblings lovingly playing with a new toy-- sharing the accessories and of course full of smiles and laughter.

And as far as any of you need to know --- that’s exactly how it went down on their 3rd Christmas… 2014.