Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Protecting Jake

Oh the struggles of being 2...

Today in the mail the boys recieved cards from their grandparents. Just a little special valentine card sign with love by Grandpa and Grandma. The boys' love for cards hasn't changed, they were so excited to see that Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates was on the front of one, and Alvin & the Chipmunks cover the front of the other. Alvin used to be the boys favorite. They'd sit in their swings and watch Alvin all hours of the night-- eventually falling asleep. Alvin, Theodore, and Simon seriously are half the reason I have my sanity. I know what you're thinking, and yes-- according to medical professionals I am still "sane". Well, today was a different story. Tonight Logan started out sharing his Jake card, but soon I found him running throughout the house in an attempt to keep it out of the hands of his brother. I guess something's in life are so important-- you can't possibly risk it getting into the wrong care. In Logan's defense, Landon is awfully rough on stuff. Logan searched desperately for a hidden location in which he brother wouldn't touch it. First he started out by sitting in between my legs as I cooked supper. Next he tried to put it under his plate. He finally came to the conclusion that he was going to have to guard that pirate both day and night---

Speaking of night, that Jake card is temporarily stowed under the blanket, in the bed of it's 30 pound security guard. 

Rest peacefully little man, because tomorrow the "war" will continue... That's 
tough life of being a 2 year old twin.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Bedtime Bandit

Time: 8:54pm and I find myself laying quietly on the floor of the bedroom I put two little boys down to sleep in 1 hour ago. Thanks to my bedtime bandit I'm missing out on the best night of television all week. Haha, so her I am -- after coming back up the stairs 6ish times. I've been pondering my next plan of attack, and I think I may have the answer.... But first, let me just say that this "idea" is officially copyrighted-- (yes, it's that great)

I need a motion detecter that will set off a recording of my voice saying, "get back in bed!!" Genius! See that's all it takes, Landon, get back in bed. Landon, get back in bed. *5 minutes later* landon, get back in bed. Now, I'm afraid this little invention of mine would need to be used often, so the best scenario in my opinion is to make it solar power chargeable. So as it is saying "get back in bed" during naptime... It is also soaking up the sun and getting powered up for the night shift. Just some food for thought.

Today was another "burr cold" day according to Logan, so we stayed cooped up inside. This past week we have got between 12"-16" of snowfall, and winter's chill came along with it. We've gotten in a little snow play time outside, and their feelings about the white stuff have changed! Logan no longer cries by the thought of it touching his boots, and he also has managed to learn to walk in the stuff! His favorite thing is eating the snow, and it's our hope that he continues to eat just the white kind. 

Landon of course has always been a
Snow fan. His love continues, and he has the need for speed. Flying down the side hill on the sled is his favorite activity and the smile on his face is priceless. He doesn't however like to keep his gloves on, they're just to difficult to maneuver in. 

---- this blog was my way of having a baby storybook for the boys. Someday I hope they enjoy it as much as you all- and I felt it was appropriate to write about the first true love for snow! Tomorrow is suppose to be 40 degrees, so I challenge everyone to get outside and be a kid again... There's just nothing like the wonder of winter.