Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Card Imperfections

Christmas time is here!

Unlike last year, I got my christmas cards ordered without any oops... But, I can't say they came without a "mishaps". When I recieved my cards in the mail, it seemed like an awful lot! I only order about 50 every year, and with such a large family on both sides -- those 50 go fast! As I began to address and stuff the envelopes I noticed a big oops.... On their part--Not mine this year! Halfway through my pile, sat 50 additional cards for another family. I was a little jealous of this perticular family. Perfectly matching (ha! Oh, well my family is like that too) a mom with her two little boys sitting nicely on her lap, no stains on the shirts, and beautiful smiles on both kids faces. Her husband (I presume) sat behind them with a matching smile. All 4 faces looking straight at the camera, and all seemed to be in great spirits! Wow-- that mother deserves a "peace prize". She nailed it! Now, let me fill everyone in on how a "normal family" gets a photo for the wonderful christmas cards.  (I like to try to convince myself we have a normal family; although many would disagree) 

Here I sat-- trying to get that one photo of my boys, both happy-- smiling, playing nicely. FAILED attempt #1 ended with one in time out, and the other crying on my shoulder... Turns out it's hard to get a good picture when toys are being thrown from one side of the room to the other. End result: ball to the head. My second failed attempt came when I thought they might nicely put a puzzle together- the happiness ended quickly when the puzzle only contained one cow piece. What were these people thinking?! Doesn't everyone have to have two of the same thing? So, my final attempt came when we had snow on the ground! I bundled up the boys and headed outside. Much to my disbelief, Logan hates being cold, and hates snow even more. He wouldn't even walk in the stuff! As we headed inside, my christmas photo hero appeared in the driveway! Dashing through the snow, that wonderful husband of mine went to the garage and got out the sled! He managed to get the boys on it, and sent them down the hill a few times. We may have had a few dried on tears, but smiles non-the-less! I grabbed my camera and managed to finally get that one photo I needed! 5 minutes with Dad home is all it took. 

This years Christmas card is compliments of one heck of a dad! Because without him, you all might have gotten a card adorned with a couple boys that may or may not have had diapers on, may or may not have been crying... And most likely wasn't that "picture-perfect" family. Ha! Who am I kidding-- having two healthy boys, a warm home, clothes on our back, and food in our belly... That's about as perfect as it can get!

From our family to you...
Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays and the Merriest Christmas ever!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Nothing could prepare me for this...

There really is nothing in this world that could have ever prepared me for raising boys, let alone raising two boys. So it begins...

Let me just first start by giving a bit of a background of my upbringings. I come #4 in the lineup. I like to tell myself it's because they were waiting for the perfect child, but let's be honest-- my dad wanted a boy. Yep, I've got 3 older sisters. 5 women in one household, one household which at the time had one bathroom. It wasn't until we all were moved out that they added a second, but that's beside the point! Not only was I #4 in the family, I came in wayyyy down the list of females on my mom's side of the family. To be honest, I didn't think it was even in my cards to have a boy! 

Boy was I wrong! Anyhow--- back to not being prepared to have boys.... I've compiled a list of a few happenings that has made me shake my head, laugh my butt off, and ask my husband questions I never imagined would come out of my mouth.

--- When we first had the boys, no one ever told me there was a "science" to putting a diaper on a boy. Did you know, if "it's" not pointed in the right direction-- you'll spend your day changing clothes because somehow your baby has managed to pee up his back?! After my loving husband clued me in, I realized--- I need a manual for this!

That one extra body part causes me much stress!

-- as toddlers: no one can ever be prepared for toddlers! When the boys put away their toys, they get a sticker. When they go in the potty, they get a sticker. BUT when the sticker goes on "the extra part" that sticker suddenly became one of my little man's arch enemies. No one ever gave me the heads up on that one! What do you do?! Well, luckily we were close to some warm water, and that sticker came off quick! 

Why couldn't their dad have been the one to handle that? Why's it gotta be mom?! *i'm so not prepared*

Our last "issue" came tonight:

----- the boys were taking a bath, and next thing I know.... Their standing up peeing on each other, laughing! Oh Lordy, really? Growing up with sisters I never recall being peed on, let alone laughing about it! Then, it gets worst/better... They get out of the tub, and sit on their potty chairs-- Baby A was trying so hard to earn a sticker, he tooted.... Followed by some seriously hilarious giggles from not only him, but his brother. Then, it happens again. And again..... At this point, like many-- you can find me shaking my head and laughing in disbelief. 

They're only 2 years old! How can I possibly deal with teenage years if I'm in over my head now? Just laugh. That's all you can do... I'm raising boys, it sure ain't for the weak.